I love Zoo Tycoon. It’s one of the many tycoon games that are a staple on PC, and have been for many years. They’ve almost always been fun, interesting, enjoyable time sinks. I specially love all the various goals you can work towards in sandbox mode, from balancing the budget on a huge zoo, to helping protect endangered species, to just having the most fun attractions or complex skyrails, etc.
Imagine my dismay when Microcrap decided to make the next Zoo Tycoon, a franchise with deep PC roots, an Xbone/Xcrap 360 exclusive.
God damn it Micro$oft, we PC gamers want our franchise back!
THIS is what pisses me off about consoles. I don’t care that they appeal to the masses, or that they’re cheaper or that they offer the “walled garden” cookie cutter experience the average gamer wants.
It’s that they TAKE from the PC and almost never GIVE back to it.
99% of he stuff shown on the E3 floor about “next gen” consoles can be boiled down to: “We’re catching up to the PC!”
That’s all there is to it. They are implementing services, supporting markets, utilizing technology, and developing game archtypes that have all grown and flourished in the PC space for years.
And that’s fine. They’d be stupid not to follow the PC market as they have for generations now.