You say you are a christian - I say you nead to grow up

How is it possible for a grown person to believe that Jesus is the son of god… and that sort og rubbish ?

It seams to me that these kind of people nead to grow up and stop clutching at straws.

I often see endless discussion where adults tries to argue for creationism and at the same time desperately tries to question evolution.
You cling to a few lose ends in the evolution theori, while the christian “theory” consists of nothing but loose ends.
Perhaps it is time for you the grow up!!

Perhaps it’s time for you to fuck off?


And can you prove he wasn’t?

Is your rant aimed only at Christians, or at anyone who believes in God?

Well, instead of ranting and raving and throwing around wild accusations, how about some specific cites?

(BTW, believing that Jesus is the son of God has nothing to do with evolution. One could logically believe the former and still acknowledge the theory of evolution as correct.

Zev Steinhardt

Let’s stick to the christian faith for now.

I am an agnostic my self and are open to the possibility that there may exist some kind of supernatural power - but that’s all folks.

I find it disturbing that an adult inteligent person can believe that Jesus is the son og god - and I find it even more disturbing when a person believe that Jesus is the only way to god.

That’s fine. I’m not a Christian and I don’t believe it either.

However, you don’t see me deliberately disparaging the closely held faith of over a billion people either.

But why do you find it disturbing that someone could believe it? And as long as you don’t believe that Jesus is the only way to God, what do you care what they think? You’ll find your own way to God.

If you want to make a reasoned argument, that’s one thing. If you just want to rant and rave, however, and gratuitously insult over a billion people, well, expect some flames.

Zev Steinhardt

Zev Steinhardt

I find it disturbing that you keep typing “og” instead of “of”.

I’ll be praying for you my man…:wink:

… and you still haven’t addressed the fact that there are many Christians who acknowledge the theory of evolution.

Zev Steinhardt

What’s the phrase-Jack Chick of Atheism? I think we have a new candidate!!!


Og mad! Og smash! OG SMITE!

Well, look at it this way, porcupine.

Son Of God.

Son O’ God.


And from that, we either derive ‘sonogram’ or ‘son og God’. It makes perfect sense, really… except he managed to say “son of God” correctly in the OP.

I guess my theory has nothing but loose ends.

Why does religious faith disturb you? Why is it your business? Sure, I’m the last person to cheer for the credulity of believing in the Big Beard in the Sky, but I figure that a great many people believe in non-falsifiable propositions, and so what? If somebody feels the need to worship Allah, Jesus, YHWH, or Papa Legba, how does it harm you?

To me, mocking Christians for their belief is the mark of an immature intellect.

Actually, if you say “sonogod” over and over really quickly, it almost sort of maybe not quite really but just go with me here sounds like “synagogue”.

I wonder if the OP considered THAT?!

Don’t fight it, man. Just let Og’s power flow over you.

I wonder… considering SeaHawk believes that the U.S. Congress is under Jewish seige (a post that was lost in the Great Post Purging of 3/11), I wouldn’t be surprised.

Zev Steinhardt

Yeah, but those are perhaps not my main target.

Evangelical christians have a big problem with evolution. Others have thankfully a bit more reflected view of christianity and do not take what’s in the bible litteral.

I suspect that most of those who believe in creationism have a very emotional ties to their religion. It’s not about reflection or rationality, it’s about fear/emotions/guilt or plain stupidity.

:smiley: racinchikki and tiggeril: You guys (or gals) rock. That was hilarious!
Myself, I’m a Christian, but as for evolution, who cares?
Like Noah’s Ark, its water under the bridge…


Ah. But in your OP, you made it clear that anyone who believed that Jesus was the son of God should get their act together (regardless of their views on evolution). And the title of your thread seems to implicate all Christians of being immature.


Whoops! Broad overgeneralization again. I’m sure that some (of the more visible, granted) EC don’t believe in evolution. But I’m also fairly confident that there are EC who are willing to keep an open mind on the matter.

Well, to some degree, one should be emotional about their religion, don’t you think? I think one should also be emotional about patriotism and committment to one’s family. That doesn’t make the commitment to religion any less valid than the latter two examples I brought up.

Zev Steinhardt

It’s my business when these fanatics mix religion with politics. I also believe that conservative/charesmatic christian faith are unhealthy. They often see upon their own inteligence as an obstacle for reaching new fanatic hights in their cry to god.

I see upon many of these as persons with a mental straightjacket. Charismatic christians - orthodox jews - orthodox moslems.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.