Mel Gibson's Pa--Nuttier Than a Stuckey's Log!

Did anyone read the article about Catholicer-than-Thou Mel Gibson and his fruitcake author Pa, Hutton Gibson, in this Sunday’s NY Times Magazine? A brief excerpt:

“Hutton flatly rejected [the widely-held belief] that Al Qaeda hijackers had anything to do with the [9-11] attacks. ‘‘Anybody can put out a passenger list,’’ he said. So what happened? ‘‘They were crashed by remote control,’’ he replied. He moved on to the Holocaust, dismissing historical accounts that six million Jews were exterminated. ‘‘Go and ask an undertaker or the guy who operates the crematorium what it takes to get rid of a dead body,’’ he said. ‘‘It takes one liter of petrol and 20 minutes. Now, six million?’’ Across the table, Joye [Gibson’s wife] suddenly looked up from her plate . . . .She had kept quiet most of the day, so it was a surprise when she cheerfully piped in. ‘‘There weren’t even that many Jews in all of Europe,’’ she said. ‘‘Anyway, there were more after the war than before,’’ Hutton added. The entire catastrophe was manufactured, said Hutton, as part of an arrangement between Hitler and financiers to move Jews out of Germany. Hitler ‘‘had this deal where he was supposed to make it rough on them so they would all get out and migrate to Israel because they needed people there to fight the Arabs,’’ he said.”

—“Yikes” doesn’t even begin to cover it! To be fair, the NYT says that Mel does not necessarily subscribe to all his Dad’s views.

He’s just gotta bump into a lot of stuff.

Doesn’t necessarily??!!

Fuck what a fruitcake. IIRC I saw something the other day about Mel being pissed about his dad getting slammed in some paper. I guess that was the paper.

From what I understand, Mel was very unhappy that the NYTimes sought out his dad and interviewed him. Apparently, Mel’s dad is notorious for being a loon, and is kinda embarrassing to Mel. The guy’s in his 80s or something, I guess his nuttiness got more and more cemented over the years. But what can Mel do? It’s his dad, he can’t exactly say to the press and public, “Don’t mind my dad, we all know he’s nuts”. He’ll hurt his dad’s feelings, terribly. I guess he doesn’t want to do that.

It is so embarrassing. I am glad that I am not famous—if they interviewed my mom—hoo boy. (No, she’s not as nutty as Mel’s dad, not even close, but she has a knack ofor being a bit “eccentric” at times.)

Of course, Mel, is slightly to the right of the last Czar, politically. I wonder if he doesn’t like Dad being interviewed because,

a) His Dad’s a certifiable fruitcake and embarrasses his whole family, or,

b) Mel just feels his views will cut into Mel’s box office? Mel himself has come out with some wowsers over the years. her’s anti-gay rights, anti-abortion, anti-divorce . . . Pretty much what you’d expect for a Catholic, really, but his films’ backers would really like to keep this under wraps . . .

Hey. I’m a Catholic. I really don’t share a lot of positions with Mel, let alone his father. I, and most of the observant Catholics I know, are not real big on “antis.”

As to Mel and his father, well, we’ve all got one or two loons in our families. What can we do?

Just read that his father won $25,000 on Jeopardy in 1968.

Hutton used to have a great mind for trivia, he took all the prizes in a quiz show here years ago and was far more famous than Mel for a while. Of course that said nothing of his politics but his mind must have retired for him to be silly enough to spout this stuff out loud.

How very sad.

Let me rephrase that; I don’t mean to tar all Catholics. But Mel is particularly right-wing, and states on the record that the Pope is too liberal for him!

[aside]Why am I not surprised that lieu was the first response in a thread about nutty logs? :p[/aside]

Well, as much as I love Nicky, he WAS quite an anti-semite in his day. However, I wouldn’t see him denying the Holocaust, or condoning it.


her’s anti-gay rights, anti-abortion, anti-divorce . . . Pretty much what you’d expect for a Catholic, really, but his films’ backers would really like to keep this under wraps . . .

Was this REALLY necessary? :rolleyes:

I happen to be Catholic, and so are a lot of people on this board who are NOT at all like Mel Gibson. My mother is an extremely devout Catholic who is very much for gay rights. She doesn’t like abortion, but she doesn’t really pay too much attention to it.

Honestly, Eve, this is not something I’d expect from you.


Didn’t see this when I posted. IN that case, just call me Emily Litella.

The POPE is too liberal for him? Sheesh. (Although, scary enough, the Pope is kinda liberal on some things-female altar servers, evolution, some cases of foreign policy. But no, he’s no John XXIII)

Mel Gibson is an embarassment. Just keep in mind, Eve, Gregory Peck is Catholic. So we do have reason to be proud!

When are “you people” gonna learn? All of “us” who are not “ignorant” know that the Holocaust, the Moon Landing, 9/11 never really happened! Wise up people! Geez, who keeps you from falling off the edge of the Earth when you are walking around with your blinders on?

Next thing you know, you’ll be telling “us” that God has had plastic surgery and sleeps with little boys.


Fagjunk Theology: Not just for sodomite propagandists anymore.

I think i’ll take (b). Mel Gibson’s a right-wing wing-nut from way back, and while he might not descend to the level of conspiracy-mongering that his father adheres to, i don’t think the apple fell very far from the tree in that family.

Is the NYT so desperate for page-fodder that it stoops to interviewing the 80-some year old father of Mel Gibson? Is the world of ‘entertainment’ so lacking in news items that they need to interview the parents of actors now? Pathetic.

Isn’t he a sedevacanist?

Actually, Hutton Gibson is better-known in some circles than Mel, as an author and, ummm, “pundit.” To me, he’ll always be Grandpa Simpson: just read his rant, above, in a Grandpa Simpson voice!

[Ignorance Fighting Request]

What’s a sedevacanist? has never heard of that word, nor anything like it.

The word is actually sedevacantist, and it’s not surprising it isn’t in the dictionary. It comes from sede vacante, which means “the seat being vacant”. It refers to a time when the Papal seat (or an Episcopal see) is vacant. This is the normal time between the death of one pope and the election of another. The belief (or heresy, as you prefer) of sedevacantism is that the popes since John XXIII, including the current pope, are heretics and therefore cannot hold the Papacy. The belief is based on the liberalization of the Church and the liturgy, hence Captain Amazing’s question regarding Mel Gibson being to the right of the Pope.