Computer question/shutdown or restart and BSOD

What could be causing my Win98 machine to go to the Blue Screen of death when I go to either shutdown or restart the computer? It does not happen all the time but has been happening with more frequency. Any help is greatly appreciated. I have Scandisked and Defragged without any major change.

Could be a corrupted sound file. Try turning off the exit windows sound.

control panel
Look for Exit Windows, and blank out the “Name” box

General tip: At shutdown time, every process running on your PC is sent a “shutdown” signal, telling it to stop itself gracefully. One of your processes isn’t stopping itself gracefully, but rather causing a BSOD.

It is likely to be a process that doesn’t appear in it’s own window. I would start the debugging process by installing software like Adaware, which can tell if any (usually poorly written) spyware programs are installed on your PC. Stopping a spyware program from running actually fixed a similar problem I was having with my PC.


Got any w98 updates on? Also, with w98 I always run SFC, system file checker, just put it in the run box, e.g. SFC

There’s an option to disable Fast Shutdown in Windows, which sounds like your problem. You can find it by running “msconfig”. OTOH, you might not have that, as I just went to make sure of my information, and that option had disappeared.:confused:

But I assure you most Win98 installations have it. Check here for more specificity.

Antivirus software can get in the way of shutdown if they’re set to scan disks at shutdown.

Another thing I’ve run into that causes lockups on shutdown is video drivers. Apparently some can’t handle switching to the particular mode that “It is now safe to shut off your computer” message is in. There’s a way to disable that message and mode switch at shutdown so the video stays the same and the machine just turns off, but I’ll be danged if I can remember what it is.

Searching the MSKB for “windows 98 shutdown problems” turns up (among other things) this

The Fast Shutdown mentioned above exists only in the first version of Win98. It was removed in Win98SE.

A shutdown patch (shutdown supplement is what they named it) is available - wind your way though the KB articles to find it.

Don’t forget w98 comes with Dr Watson. This is a cool program that you might want to try. It should be on your HD. Also, you can start w98 in a log mode from the boot menu that writes a log of what is booting & what is not. Then you look at that later & see what’s up.

What is the message on the BSOD?