Hey-they said asshat on That 70's Show!

I was watching one of the reruns on UPN, and Eric was talking about how Red threatened him by saying he’d turn his ass into a hat.

Then Hyde said, “Oh, come on now, Foreman-an asshat isn’t so bad.”

Then I think Kelso called Eric an asshat!

Yay asshat!

[Borg voice]

We are Dope™

You will be ass hatted

Resistance is due to a low fiber diet.


And I’m so sure that asshat was commonplace in the 70’s…

Okay, I don’t watch the 70’s show… but I did check out the pilot episode when it first came out. Didn’t care for it.

Is it just me, or does anybody else see these really as 90’s acting kids in 70’s clothes? They just didn’t really seem to be acting like they were from the 70s…

Oh, and regardless – Go SDMB! Soon, the world will tremble at the feet of the mighty Dopers.

Monstre, I’m all with you. They’re just kids in bellbottoms. I don’t really get the show but YMMV. You’d think that with such a blatant name it would have relevence to the 70’s but there is very little.

Ohhh, Borg voice. I coulda sworn you said Bong voice.

"We are the… uh, yeah, we are the Bong. You will (cough cough)… wow, that’s pretty harsh, I hope it’s… Oooh, yeah, heh. What? Oh, yeah, We are, like, no, wait, heh heh, we are, heh heh heh, hang on a minute, okay?

Okay. We are the Bong… hahaha, I said “Bong”. Hahahaha. Oooh, corn chips.

Okay, we are the Bong, and you will be ass… hahaha, ass. You will be ass! All your ass belong to us!

No, seriously, we are the Bong, and your ass will be imil… hey, was that right?"

Did the SDMB really coin ‘asshat’? I think they take credit for it over at Fark as well.

The first occurence of “asshat” on the SDMB was on August 8, 2001. The first use of “asshat” on That 70’s Show was on February 1, 2000. That 70’s Show trumps the SDMB by over a year and a half.

First use of asshat on usenet, 1998.

Sorry, that should be August 24, 2001. Carry on.

Right you are, bdgr

What does asshat mean? What’s the derivation?

P.S. Never heard the term in the 1970s.

I’ll share My First Asshat Story, this is where I heard it first. In Dark Age of Camelot, they have Realm vs. Realm combat, which is basically large scale team-based PvP. When you die, your body falls to the ground. Jumping on the body, taunting the body, etc. are ways of being disrespectful and amusing. Sitting down on the dead person’s head was called “being asshat-ed”.

To be fair to “That 70s Show” they weren’t using it it any way that would make it seem like it was a common, or even rare word at the time.

Red threatened to turn Eric’s ass into a hat.
Eric complained to his friends that Red threatened to turn his ass into a hat.
And then Hyde put 1 and 1 together and coined the term.

I think the original derivation may have come from the Billy Crystal movie “City Slickers” when one of Crystal’s friends on the cattle drive refers to the pretty girl and tell Crystal, “You want to wear her ass as a hat.”

Just a WAG, though.

I got it from SAAN. We use it all the time over there.

And guess what? I have everyone saying it over at Ms. Go me.

“And Guin did spread the word of the Asshat. And it was good.”