Origin of "Ziggy Zaggy, Ziggy Zaggy, Oi, Oi Oi" from "Man Show"

I’ve tuned into the “Man Show” occasionally and at the end they all hold their beer up and say “Ziggy Zaggy, Ziggy Zaggy, Oi, Oi, Oi” and drink their beer. Anyone know the origin of that and what it means?

It’s the end of a German drinking song/chant called “Ein Prosit.” Usually the song leader, at the end, calls out, “Ziggy zaggy, ziggy zaggy!” to which the hall replies, “Hoy hoy hoy!” Repeat both sets three times.

Isn’t he dead?

It’s also a very old English football crowd chant. Mainly associated with Coventry City.

Bill Foster, a.k.a. “The Fox,” who played piano, sang, and lead the chant in question, died, yes. He was reputed to be the world’s fastest beer drinker - the way he threw down those two glasses of beer was just scary. That was in 2000, during the show’s second season. The chanting and drinking continued without him, though.

In high school, the German teacher took great delight in teaching his kids drinking songs. I would often hear the sound of thirty teenagers shouting “Ziggy zaggy, ziggy zaggy, oi oi oi” bleed through the walls into my sedate French classroom.

The German classroom was next to the French classroom?? I bet there were a lot of nervous students…

Thanks, Marley23…I always wondered about that guy. I noticed a big poster of him in the studio and figured he must have died.

He could damn sure slam some brewskis.

He died of testicular cancer. Adam and Jimmy did a PSA a few weeks after he died, urging their audience to check “the boys” regularly.

“The Fox” used beer glasses that were very thick and only held about 6-8 oz. It was all an illusion!

His talents behind the piano or on top of a barstool are NOTHING compared to the great John Valby. If The Man Show had him as the musical talent, the audience would pray for commercials.

Yeah, that’s too bad. You can reinforce the wall between the classrooms all you want, but they just come round through the adjoining corridor.

The tantilizing lyrics of **Ein Prosit **:

Ein Prosit, ein Prosit
der Gemütlichkeit,
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit
der Gemütlichkeit!

And you wonder why they drink so much.

I thought Marley23 had given me my biggest laugh of the day. Antonius Block soon proved me wrong.

Thanks to you both. :slight_smile:

“You know those Germans, if you don’t join the Party, they’ll come get ya!”–Peter Griffin

I’ll get you for this, Antonius Block.

Thanks, WL. (blushes). I couldn’t have done it without Marley23’s lead-in.

Back on-topic, there are variations on the theme, both usually chanted by drunken bunches of soccer supporters or students in general in the UK (and probably Oz for all I know):

Zigger Zagger Zigger Zagger, Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oggy Oggy Oggy, Oi! Oi! Oi!
are two that spring to mind. Always sung in chant-response format.

In 1967, according to Britain’s National Youth Theater,

The play is available from Amazon.co.uk, and apparently it’s still performed these days.

Ther’s even a recording (of the chant, presumably) by the Shed Enders.

I’d just posted a polite thankyou to Marley23 for the lead-in, and I find this trash-talking from NY. :eek:

Let’s see… (consults Polite English --> New Yawk dictionary)

Choose from the following:
A) Oh yeah? You and whose armée?
B) [assuming Marley==Jacob] Whaddya gonna do, rattle yer chains at me?
C) [assuming Marley==Bob] … (crickets chirping) … OK, I actually am rather fond of your music.

Well, the kindly lead-in wasn’t there where I posted! I suppose all can be forgiven. :wink:

OK. Alright then.

So, what’s White Lightning done for us recently that we’re fighting over his approval?