I have too much protein in my blood, what does this mean exactly

I’ve tried selling plasma for spending money but they said my blood has too much protein in it (8.6, 8.5 was the cutoff point). What does this mean exactly, and what kind of proteins would they be referring to? is this a medically dangerous thing, and (for health and selling plasma reasons) how can i bring it down? They told me to drink more liquids and i tried that but it didn’t work.

Have you been mainlining pork again?

Get off the Atkins diet stat!

Perhaps I’m off base here but … isn’t this a GQ question?

Are you on a low-carb diet? If so, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water. Could you up your exercise, especially your weight-lifting routine? Otherwise, cut back a bit on your protein-rich meats and replace with high fiber veggies. If you’re still on Induction, wait a few weeks and try again.

(Atkins dieter here, for the record)

I’m not a doctor, but I’m kinda close (a veterinarian actually). The physiology is the same between you and your cat, so here goes:

First of all - dietary protein intake has NOTHING to do with blood protein levels. So altering your intake won’t affect your blood protein.
All the protein you eat is broken down into amino acids before it’s absorbed. If those amino acids are not needed by the body they are eliminated in your urine (the reason that high protein diets are said to be hard on your kidneys).

Your blood protein is composed of two parts: albumin and globulin.

Albumin goes up (in a relative sense) when you have less fluid in your bloodstream. That’s why they’re telling you to drink lots of fluids - to dilute the albumin.

Globulin goes up when there is inflammation in your body somewhere. Drinking water isn’t going to change this number very much (unless you are in kidney failure, but I think you’d know if you were).
If you drink and drink and drink and your blood protein level is still elevated - you might want to see a doctor and make sure you don’t have a chronic inflammatory disease of some type.

Go to a doctor and have them check for diabeties and check your kidney function.
Only they can tell you exactly what your levels mean.

What’s your differential, myrnajean? Diabetes and renal failure are not high on my list. But I concur with the advice to see one’s doc.

Capri’s advice is sound. Dehydration (which may be quite mild) is the most common reason. Push fluids, then get it checked again. But by your doctor, so any follow-up or associated tests may be run properly.


My late husband was diabetic, and way before he was really “sick” with it, (before the kidney failure, dialysis, amputations, transplants and all those things that ultimately happened,) the doctor told him he had elevated protein.
At the time, since he was already diabetic, we just thought he needed to adjust his diet, or get his sugar under better control.

I figure its always better to be safe than sorry. :frowning:

Might your husband’s doc meant he had elevated urinary protein? That’s a real big problem for diabetics. Often it get so severe that their blood protein is low because they’re losing so much of it thru the kidneys.

Sorry for your loss. Diabetes is a horrible disease.

Maybe you just need to ejaculate more :wink:

im covered until im about 60 at this point.

Type II Diabetes runs in my family. My dad has 4 siblings and both he and all but one of his siblings has diabetes, as well as both of his parents. However i have taken my blood glucose using my dad’s glucose monitoring thing and it was normal.

My apologies. I should’ve pointed out (in case it wasn’t obvious), that I’m not a doctor. I’ve heard that Qadgop guy above knows a thing or two about doctorin’. :wink:

Or perhaps too many hot beef injections.

You’re covered in ejaculate? :eek:

heh heh heh, I’ll stop now :stuck_out_tongue: