Bill O'Reilly calls The Globe and Mail a "far-left" publication. Fwaah!

The day before yesterday, the Globe and Mail television columnist John Doyle made some comments about an application to deliver the Fox News Channel to Canadian Cable subscribers. His column puts heavy emphasis on the surreality of Fox News offerings, and is enthusiastic in a sort of back-handed way:

Mr. Doyle also made some less-than-fawning characterizations of Bill O’Reilly, and the on-camera Wildest Bill took the time to acknowledge the attention in yesterday’s superbly-named “Most Ridiculous Item of the Day.” In it, he apparently described the source of the article as “the far-left Toronto Globe and Mail.” This is hysterical for a couple of reasons. We’ll ease into the absurdity by pointing out the ham-handed attempt to minimize Canada’s National Newspaper by calling it the Toronto Globe & Mail. It hasn’t been the Toronto Globe & Mail for something like 15 years. It has offices all over Canada, nationwide distribution, and is widely acknowledged to be the most respected newspaper in Canada. But that can maybe be overlooked. I could just be habit, the same way just about everybody still calls “KFC” by its original appelation.

The joy is in the “far left.” Tunderin’ Jeebus, boy! Editorially, the Globe is about as centrist as it gets. Its really hard to imagine how unfathomably fascist far-right you’d have to be to think the Globe is a leftist publication.

To give you an idea, I have been a regular Globe reader since 1989. I faithfully brought a copy in to work each day so I’d have something to read on my break. (Vancouver’s two local papers are both so full of fluff, advertising, and grade school level writing that they’re unreadable.) My co-workers invariably commented on my choice of reading material by asking “So, how are your stocks doing, Larry?”

The Globe’s far left demographic really eats up the daily supplemental Report on Business, I’ll tell ya.

Canada’s answer to the Daily Worker caters to its proletariat readership by offering a daily Job Posting that caters exclusively to those seeking to advance the Worker’s Struggle by offering their blood, sweat and tears labouring as Account Executives, Pricing Analysts, Treasurers, Directors, Vice Presidents, CEOs, CTOs, and COOs.

Oh, dear God. Now I really do want to be able to tune in to Fox News.

“Far left.”


That this came in direct response to the suggestion that…

…is just too precious.

I want it. I just think the CRTC should ensure that a disclaimer be shown at each break:


Well it’s lefty compared to the Post, I’ll give him that…

I had a group interview for a journalism program about a month ago and the topic of Canada’s media coverage came up, naturally. One of the other candidates called the G&M a ‘left-wing paper’ (not as a slur, though) and I thought the interviewer’s eyes were going to roll completely out of their sockets.

This has turned to be probably the best thing ever for John Doyle. He’s gotten at least a week and a half’s worth of free columns and tons of exposure out of this.

You talk this way now, Larry Mudd, but just you wait until Ken Thompson and his bolshevik cohorts have the streets of Etobicoke running red with bourgeois blood!

Then you’ll be sorry!!!

Or orange. :cool:

Heh. If Bill thinks the Globe is extreme left, I bet if he watched the CBC his head would explode.

It’s worth a shot…