Tell me your Halloween costume.

All Hallow’s is coming up this weekend, and whether you’re passing out treats, going to a party, or just scaring your co-workers, a costume is sure to brighten up your Halloween hijinks. What costume are you wearing this weekend, if any? What costume would you wear if you thought you could get away with it?

I’ll start. SO and I are going to a Halloween party as Red Riding Hood (me) and the Big Bad Wolf (him).

I will be wearing a caveman costume, a huge shaggy black wig and giant shaggy black fake beard.

I will be wearing a Red Sox Cap and carrying a giant inflatable baseball bat.

Johnny Damon.

Drunken university student. Well, that’ll be me at the bar Saturday night. Sunday I’ll probably be a hungover university student.

If I can find the dress for it (unlikely, given the amount of time I have left), I want to dress up as Lust from Full Metal Alchemist. I can’t post a picture as I can’t find one, but she wears a strapless black dress and gloves. She looks, well, like someone men would lust over. My original costume was Lenne from FFX-2, but I don’t have that ready either. Though if I can find the materials for the arm things, I’ll make those, throw on the rest of what I have, and wear a similar colored t-shirt.

A surgeon.

I went through several ideas this year, including Spike (from Buffy), Gambit (from the X-Men), and 1920’s-esque reporter (complete with fedora.)

I’ve decided upon a surgeon. I work in hospitals, so it was easy for me to…umm…acquire…supplies (scrubs, mask, gloves, and cap.) I’ll just add some fake blood, and the costume is set. I’ll be wearing it to a party. The benefit is, that I get to ask cute girls if I want to play doctor. And remove their inflammed appendix before it causes gastrointentinal disorder. :wink:

I’m going as Delirium of the Endless. I’ve been gathering the raw materials for the costume from thrift stores all month, and will hopefully be debuting it at the dorm Halloween party tonght. Couldn’t find a balloon shaped like a fish, though. Dang.

Nothing. :frowning: It’s an exam-filled week coming up at school and I and everyone I know will be too busy studying to party. I didn’t even bother getting a costume together this year. I *would have * gone as Beeker from the Muppet Show, but I suppose that can wait till next year.

My 90-year-old grandmother, though, is attending her party tomorrow night dressed as a fairy princess. White floaty dress, tiara, feathered wings, and a star-shaped glittery magic wand. I’ll be over there in the evening to help with her makeup.

She’s going to be a hit!

I’m being an old lady. I’m in marching band, and we have to dress up by section for the Halloween parade, and the flutes decided on old ladies. I don’t have a floral-print dress or anything (and I have no transportation to go buy anything), so I’m wearing a sweater and pants. :stuck_out_tongue: Hopefully I can borrow some tacky jewelry or something.

I am Spider Lady. My outfit will be purple and black, sort of elegant but with a touch of humor, since I will be wearing a big fleece spider hat that is black and purple and has big eyes. I also have spiderweb gloves and a spiderweb temporary tattoo. I wanted a spider ring but they’re too small for my fingers.

I wanted to dress up in this get-up today, but then I would have been Soaking Wet Spider Lady.

I also wanted to add that I would like to be able to dress up at my workplace (and indeed, I believe they encourage it on Friday) but…well…dressing as a surgeon in a hospital is proably a bad thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends what day. Saturday, I will have a bloody USPS shirt that will simply have a “Bush” nametag. Seeing how I shall be trick or treating in a extremely pro-Republican, pro-conservative, pro-Chrisitianity neighborhood this should be interesting.

Sunday, however, I will be a giant paper mache dildo. Friend one will be in a suit with grey hair, Bill O’Reilly, and Friend two will be a working class woman, a secretary. Seeing how we are going into an extremely liberal, college dorm area, this should prove to be interesting.

I’m going as a pirate. (In character, as a gunner of the good ship Ted.) I got invited to a pirate party that’s a few months away, so I’m giving the costume a test run.

My husband and I are going as Tommy and Gina from Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer.
I have a blue shirtdress and apron and some 80s accessories. I expect a side ponytail and some teased bangs will be a good idea too.
He has coveralls and a mullet wig.

Luckily, I have a friend in the nametag-making business, so we’ll have Tommy and Gina nametags.

Naked, well just roller skates on. I’m going as a pulltoy :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really, strings to short.

I’m going as Borat, of Ali G fame.

Well, I would be going as Gordon Freeman from the game Half-Life, since I look kind of like him anyway. But the party I was going to, got cancelled, so I haven’t got any reason to dress up. It’s just as well, because I’ve got the glasses, the goatee, and the crowbar, but didn’t know what to do about the hazmat suit.

I’ll be going to the Henri David ball. It will be a massive room filled with people whose costumes range from simple and under $20 to unbelievably intricate, involving a battery pack, inverter, and custom made neon sign and costing about $1000.

As to what I’ll be wearing-

Costume the first-A six foot plus tornado. The Witch on her broom will be attached to one side, the Gale house on the other. The tornado will spin when pushed. On the catwalk during the costume contest, I shall lift the tornado over my head and reveal

Costume the second- The Tinman. Funnel on my head. Mask sleeves and chestpiece made from a mix of disposable aluminum bakeware and some silver lame I found on sale. All of this comes off to reveal

Costume the third-The Scarecrow. Felt hat I sewed myself. Mask made from an old sheet. And old denim shirt with straw coming out of the wrists. I remove all this and behold!

Costume the fourth-The Cowardly Lion-mask from the same bedsheet. Mane of feather boa yarn. I spent alot of time gutting and skinning a stuffed sheep. I found out the lining of an old jacket made a better lion shirt. I will be using the sheep’s ears though. But, this too comes off

Costume the fifth-Dorothy. I am quick-sewing a dress from gingham. I will have a friend put my hair up in bows and do my make up. I will use an old purse shaped like a shnauzer to stand in for Toto.

If I can only understand why I keep subconsciously sabotaging my efforts (I’ve spent way too much time online in the past week for example) I may get all this done on time.

I also need to get green plastic wrap in order to disguise my glasses. Hopefully the judges will have read the original book and know that everybody who enters the city of Oz is required to wear emerald glasses.

Doc I believe you will die of a heat stroke before you get the first part of your costume off!

Me, I’m going as Animal from the Muppets, I’ve been growing my beard for two months now and it’s really scraggly looking, but still might not be long enough. All I need is some drum sticks and I’m set.

One costume idea was to get white sweatpants and a white T-shirt. On the T-shirt I’d draw a picture of a pair of baby goats with antlers; each set of antlers would have six points. And I’d write “FUCK IT!” across the ass of the sweatpants.

The plan, of course, was to be The All Adrerican Meam: two six-point kids, and a white fuck-it pants.

My wife vetoed the costume, however, based on how people might misunderstand the pants message. Sometimes she really is wise.

So I’ll be going with my first, related idea: I’ll get a fencer’s mask and a white outfit and a little plastic rapier. I’ll attach a sign to the end of the rapier that reads,

I’ll be a white picket fence.


I’ve got yellow rectangular sunglasses that I’ve Sharpied green; I’ve got round Lennon glasses that are red. I’m not terribly hairy, so I’ll be shaving my head. Black blazer, black slacks, and some temporary body art and voila: Spider Jerusalem.

I’ve spent years re-creating my 1882 British officer’s uniform. Khaki, Cork sun helmet, Brown leather Slade-Wallace belt, puttees, jodpurs, tunic, Afghan campaign medal, silver-tipped officer’s swagger stick, the works.

I’d worn it to several parties in California, I got boer’ed with it ( :smiley: ) but no one in Ohio has seen it.