Happy Christmas. You're laid off.

A few months ago I was asked to go on reduced hours, since there wasn’t enough work for me to do. Ironically, there was plenty of work a week later and I went back to full time.

Today I was told that there just wasn’t enough work to keep me busy. I’ve been laid off/put ‘on call’. The boss likes my CAD drawings, and he says he’ll call me when he needs some. There may also be courier trips down to Seattle or Anacortes, and I can work up to 12 hours getting photos of some of the gates the company has installed. But basically, I’m out of work. I don’t know if I can collect Unemployment.

Bad time for it. I just got a $150 propane bill, and I’ll be using more of it being at home. I already keep the house at 65° when I’m home, and shut the heater off when I’m away. A couple of weeks ago I gave myself food poisoning trying to save money by scrounging old food out of the fridge. My friend Sandy is coming out for Christmas. I have one more payment on the motorcycle. I was really hoping to remain employed until the end of the year. (Yeah, I’d noticed that I was getting a lot of ‘make work’ jobs.)

After I was told, I was given a CAD drawing to do. Of course I did a great job. I painted a phone entry pedestal with hammer-finish paint, and it turned out great. I sent out a proposal to a potential customer, and was happy I did it when the boss asked about it later. I cleaned out my desk. I’d taken some gate photos, and I cleaned them up and enhanced them (they were taken on a rather dreary day) and printed them out for the picture book that is shown to customers. Finally, I dropped off a package on the way home.

I sent off a résumé last week, and the president of the company says he’ll be back in the country tomorrow. Fingers crossed. There’s another job that came across on Monster this morning, and I’ll apply for that.

If any Washington Dopers know of any jobs between Blaine and Seattle, please let me know! (FWIW, I’ll have to spend about $3/hour for a Seattle commute.) My previous previous job was as a Data Management Analyst. That’s running data validation programs and QC-ing the results, writing Easytrieve Plus programs for data extraction, communicating with internal and external customers about the data, etc. This last job was meeting with potential customers and writing estimates to build and install automated gates and entry systems, and drawing the gates on a CAD program.

Happy Christmas to me. :frowning:

((((Johnny L.A.))))

This shit always seems to happen just in time for the holidays. A few years back, we had a Christmas Eve spent in the hospital because my brother had a nervous breakdown. I remember screaming while holding on to his legs with my whole body as he attmpted to pull himself out the gate and run into traffic.

One ambulance ride and an emergency room visit later, we were stuck with a $1400 bill as we learned for the first time that my dad had removed my bro from the medical coverage the day he turned 18. :mad:

But then it got better. And got better. And got better. Best of luck to you, and know that things will get better. As for the food poisoning - crap! A trip to the hospital is a lot more expensive than a visit to the food bank! Do what you gotta do to get by, but try to maintain your health!

Are there any close friends/relatives that can help you out until the next job is lined up?

Sorry to hear that, Johnny.

I was in the same spot this time last year. Only they were kind enough to wait until we got back from Christmas break. :frowning:

Make sure you at least check into unemployment. Were you told formally you were being let go, or did they try to push you into an ‘independent contractor’ type position?

I hope things turn around for you though. Maybe this is your chance for a new beginning in the new year. It sounds like the company still wants to keep in touch with you though. Perhaps you could use that as a resource to scout out clients to work freelance?

Here’s hoping there’s a great opportunity right around the corner for you.

Yeah, I was unemployed last year too. Got laid off from a very good job of nine years (along with about half of the department, plus others). And I was in the midst of buying a house. Thanksgiving? No, packing. Out of the flat by the end of November. At least I don’t have to go through that again.

Well… I didn’t get a final paycheque. I still have vacation on the books. I was told to give my timesheet to the admin, and she’ll complete it if I don’t work the rest of the week. The boss said that he’ll tell the employment department that I’m laid off, and he said he’d say good things about me to potential employers. (‘Dependable. If he says he’ll be there, he will. Ready to take on any task, which he completes. Good guy. Give him a shot.’)

The admin is a little envious. She says she wishes she’d be laid off. One part-time girl quit ro persue other opporunities. The other one won an internship at the state capitol. (She’s a poli-sci major.) The admin has been talking about leaving for months. There’s a new woman in there who may or may not work out. The truth is, I’ve been looking. As I said, I sent off a résumé last week; and I did apply for the job at Boeing I mentioned in the OP.

I’m selling my '46 Willys Jeep as soon as I get a duplicate title. There’s already a guy wanting to buy it.

I know there are some people who don’t mind being unemployed; but I’m not one of them. I hate not working!

Thats sad buddy, you just got laid off a year ago or something. Have you thought of another field? This job paid what, $25k a year? That is $12 an hour you can get a 1 year degree that pays $12/hr and not have to deal with the stress you’re going through.

Ever thought about sales?

Sorry to hear your news. Sending supporting thoughts your way.

Well, it’s not in your area, and it might not even be something you could do, but I think that you’d agree, it’s worth a shot: Burt Rutan’s hiring. (If I could apply for it, I would.) Don’t worry if you don’t know the software, CAD programs are pretty similar from what I’ve heard, and the programming aspect of it, is easier than BASIC once you’ve picked it up.

Best of luck to you.

I really have no experience in sales. In my late job, the closest thing was visiting potential customers when they called in. I’d see where they wanted a gate, make some suggestions about designs (often making a quick sketch on a folder), let them know about various options (keypad or telephone entry unit, vehicle detection loops, slide vs. swing gate operators and the operator best suited to their needs, etc.), and then go back to the office to draw the gate on a CAD and work up an estimate; both of which would be mailed to them with some product information. I guess that’s ‘inside sales’. No previous experience.

What would I sell? What is there that I know enough about to be a successful salesman? Movie cameras? Not in Bellingham. Pretty specialised business. Aircraft? Yeah, I could sell someone on a Robinson R-22. Great ship. But they’re down in SoCal, and I only have a private license anyway. Used cars? Nah, I’m too honest. And I don’t have a plaid suit. :stuck_out_tongue: (To Dopers who sell used cars: Just kidding!)

It seems the thing I’m best at, and which I’d done for a long time before the most recent job, is crunching numbers. Maybe I should become an accountant? I wonder if they offer courses at the community college?

Ya know? I used to live in Lancaster. Worked at Edwards AFB. I’ve been to the Rutan Aircraft Factory, and considered buying a Long-EZ kit. I met Burt Rutan and his then-girlfriend Tanya at the Lancaster City Park several years ago (Ave. L, just off the freeway). They were flying a very large kite.

As for the job:

I don’t have Catia V5 or Vericut. I used to hold a TS clearance. No machining experience (except for a couple of home-made things I used hand tools on). No engineering degree.

I like the desert. It’s ‘clean’. But I’ve spent too long trying to get up to the PNW to move back now. On the other hand, having a job in flight test for the Guru himself might draw me back. :wink:

Boeing has been hiring in the technical field. Most of the engineering work on the new 7E7 is being done in Everett.

{{{{{{{Johnny L.A.}}}}}}}

It’ll get better, dude–trust me, you’ll find something. keeps fingers crossed

The Boeing job I applied for today is a ‘Quality Systems Specialist 1’. Let’s look at it:

My job at the gate company involved creating drawings to scale and providing measurements. I also took some blueprint training many, many moons ago at Rockwell. I think I can review drawings. As for data, I processed and analyzed radar cross-section, meteorological, and financial data for a number of years.

Data entry? I can do that. QC the work? I can do that too.

I’ve coordinated with company presidents, Air Force generals, Civil Servants, and the mail room guy. I’m pretty good at communicating with people (in spite of the evidence of my posts on these boards!).

That one’s a little nebulous. I’m sure that I can follow procedures to review products though.

I was one of two people who explained and flowcharted the flow of data through our department at Experian, and was able to explain the processes to other departments and make recommendations. Does that count?

Again, I’ve collected and interpreted several kinds of data.

Hm. In my previous previous job I analyzed the data and wrote Easytrieve Plus programs to modify or reformat it. Moderately complex. Not sure how that would relate to the job requirement.

Touched on already.

Also already addressed. I’m a good communicator, can handle multiple tasks, and strive to work quickly and accurately. Again, I’ve been working with drawings. (And I’ve built a fair number of Guillow’s airplanes in my day. :wink: )

Whoops. Unfamiliar with the approval process and procurement. (Although I’ve done some ‘procurement’ – ordering parts and supplies – at my late job.)

I haven’t actually managed a project; but I was a team lead, so I’vehad minor experience managing people to some extent.

Really, I’d apply for Data Entry or Data Processing if I knew the Boeing terminology for them. I mean, I started out in data entry; I can still do it! Surely, they need someone to input numbers or to run numbers through programs? One good thing about entry level positions is that you can advance from them.

I’d love a job at Boeing. I’ve heard they have an Aero Club. :slight_smile:

Been in the same boat as you–I was laid off on December 18, 2001 (yes, a very Happy Christmas that year), and was just laid off again in September of this year. Only difference is that this time, I found out I was knocked up a week later, which worked out well for me–there’s no way in hell I could work in a kitchen with the massive morning sickness I’ve had since then.

I’ve got my fingers crossed for you, and hope you land a position soon.

Wow. I remember the same thing happening to me last year. I remember getting the call in the morning, going back to sleep, waking up again and nursing the faint hope that I had dreamed it.

Just in case… (you know, the stuff doesn’t work out up there in the NW), my company shows 3 openings for “CAD CAM Engineer” on our internal website. (Is that what you are?)
Don’t know if the job or area would appeal to you, but the lowest salary mentioned is more than twice what you’re getting up there (If I understand your situation correctly). Average seems to be around 70K. All 3 show that paid relocation is offered, as well.

email me if I can help? (no, I’m not a recruiter… just someone who’s been laid off before :))

Good Luck

I’m not really a CAD/CAM Engineer. Given measurements and a sketch (or an idea in my head), I can make accurate drawings on CAD; but I’m really more of a numbers cruncher.

I lurk much more than I post, Johnny L.A., but I couldn’t help noticing that you’ve had a really crappy time lately-what with your job and mother and all.
And you’ve never whined or sniveled about it.
Just want to let you know that I’m really hoping that 2005 turns out to be a much much year for you.

Thanks, jlzania. But I think I’ve been whining and sniveling about it quite a bit! (Well, the jobs anyway.) I tend to vent a bit when I’m pissed off. Thank the gods for these boards. Not that I’m pissed off, really; I’m more discouraged and disappointed.

Johnny, welcome to the club! I got the axe on my birthday. I saw it coming and could kick myself for not pursuing another job six months ago. Oh well, what ya gonna do?!? I bit the bullet to get my skillsets up to date, I’m taking classes and boning up to get my MCDBA certification. Hopefully I’ll be employed by early next year. Fortunately I got a waiver so I can take the classes while I draw benefits, which covers the mortgage (but I gotta cut wa-aay back on my shooting). Have you thought about getting some MS A+ certs in the interim?