Milking the Prostate - TMI

Is milking the prostate a real sex technique? Does it really work? Does there need to be contact with the penis for it to work or is it all internal?

I have heard (sorry no cite) that the prostate can be stimulated by pressing against the wall of the rectum. I also know that they use this technique to masturbate elephants to get semen samples, but I’m not too sure about the details.

Yeah, the zoo keeper puts a Hefty trash bag over his arm, with a Black & Decker orbital sander, before the procedure. Then the elephant follows him closely for the next three weeks. One of the less glamorous parts of being a zoo keeper. :rolleyes:

Never heard it called “milking the prostate.” But yes, direct stimulation of the prostate can result in ejaculation. It can be sexual, pleasurable and fun, or it can be non-sexual. No penis stimulation required.

I believe some of the more heinous Nazi doctors experimented with it, pushing wooden sticks up prisoner’s asses to stimulate the prostate and an ejaculation, like “milking” a bull for sperm.

I needed to collect a sample after my vasectomy, and a neighbor girl came over to help and she milked mine.

She collected a deluxe sample with this method…

The previous above reply is much funnier though.


Thanks to my ex-grilfriend and her playful ways, I can say for a fact this does work. She wanted to attempt to bring me off without penile stimulation. Let’s just say she managed to do it. I can also say the amount of ejaculate and, um, “thrust” was 4 times what it normally is. I felt like a male porn star (money shot of the century) and she was very pleased with herself.

So, uh, any specific advice on technique?

When bacterial infection of the prostate is suspected, collection of prostatic fluid by “milking the prostate” (digital stimulation via rectum) is often done. In dogs.

It’s also a useful maneuver to do on men with recurrent prostatitis, to try to establish the infective agent. Massage vigorously, then have the patient provide a clean-catch urine sample, and send it for culture.

Dogs with prostatitis typically do not enjoy the maneuver and are usually muzzled. Are human patients typically given a little sumpin I.V., or do they just have to grin and bare/bear it?

You mean stickin’ things up yer butt? Yep, it works. Though some guys aren’t particularly fond of it. Just get a sex toy with a flaired base (you don’t want it getting lost in there), some lube, and try it out.

just eye-balling (excuse the expression) - this thread has the fewest posts per view on page one, I believe. What does this tell us? Maybe that we like to watch, but we don’t know very much?

Nothing substantive to add, I just wanted to pop in and say that this is the very first sequential thread title I’ve ever seen that caused me to lauch out loud. . .

Milking the Prostate - TMI

Why do adults drink milk? ( 1 2 )

Sorry for the hijack (snicker)

No, they don’t get pre-medicated. At least not by me. Muzzles are an option I can choose to use, given my patient population. I haven’t yet chosen to do so, though.

Well, I have an observation to share as well.

During my adolescence, I discovered that if, after being in a state of arousal (and typical adolescent males are in a near-constant state of arousal) for a time, I went to the toilet and evacuated a large bowel movement, it would cause an emission of semen.

Not an ejaculation, and definitely not an orgasm, but the compression of the prostate during the act of bowel movement was enough to “milk out” semen that was being, ahem, prepared there… in a strictly autonomic preparation for any imminent acts of procration that I may have been about to engage in.

It was constantly prepared, but practically never actually needed.

(Well, except for the frequent readiness drills.)

Absolutely. When I’m having a bit of trouble, er, finishing, a plug-like device with said flaired end works wonders. Too bad it doesn’t have a name. Something, something, Plug maybe…


My girl loves the effect this has on me, and actually purchased a lube specifically to make it easier for her to give me a hand with the technique. It doesn’t take much effort, but it does require you – the guy – to be comfortable enough with your sexuality that you don’t think “I like the feeling of something in my ass” means anything other than “I REALLY like the feeling of something in my ass.” Remember to relax.

I’ve noticed that the duration and pleasure of the orgasm are significantly improved, and the volume and distance of ejaculation are greatly increased. It also seems like it’s much easier to get me erect again shortly afterwards. The only possible downside is that the next time you defecate it just kind of slips right out; I find this pleasant (imagine pooping effortlessly… it’s nice!) but some people might not.

I can’t say for sure that I’ve ever been “milked” – I’ve always enjoyed prostate stimulation in conjunction with hand or mouth play. Nonetheless, it’s very enjoyable.

So, in conclusion, I would like to say “Oh YEAAAAAAAH it works.”

I’ll bet many people viewing this thread would like even FURTHER detail, like maybe where is it? 12 o’clock? 6 o’clock? :smiley:

So, this … effect.

Is this something I need to get concerned about when facing my first digital exam?

The prostate is located between the intestine and the base of the penis, so that’d be on the anterior wall.