I have a psuedo-clone on the SDMB!

I was just glancing through the General Questions threads when I noticed a posting that appeared to be created under my member name. On closer examination I noticed that the user’s name was actually “Guy_Incognito” instead of “Guy Incognito”. Apparently this other “Guy” has been on the board since last June, so I must have missed his prior postings. Anyway, greetings “brother”!

Does anybody else on this board have a member name that closely resembles another member’s? If so, has it caused any complications or problems for you on the SDMB?

There was this guy named Q.E.B… But he’s…gone now. shifts eyes I haven’t seen him since…
runs out of thread

I’ve always been amazed at how few people confuse my username with that of pseudotriton ruber ruber.

There was a tickster who posted a TMI thread about what her bf wanted to do in bed… :eek:

Well, maybe it’s because you look so much alike. :smiley:

There’s a guy around here somewhere called Enginerd.

I’m mad at him because his username is so much more clever than mine.

Apparently, every poster that has a username starting with a capital **A **and ending with an N is my doppleganger. And **silenus **too, somehow.

Not that I mind though. My name showing up in a “Posters You Confuse” thread is a Doper milestone.

I know we have a Kaitlyn and a Kaitlin.

Zebrashasha is kind of my cousin but I don’t think people confuse us.
Though she seems to avoid me. Kind of like my real life cousins do. Hmmmm…

A little while back we had a Scarlet and a Dr. Scarlett posting. Haven’t seen them lately, though.

The only poster I recall someone confusing me with was the now-departed Collounsbury. But I’m sure they couldn’t have read many of our posts. :slight_smile:


There’s an AskNott and a WotNot (I think? Some odd spelling of What, anyway), but we hardly ever seem to post in the same threads, so I don’t *think *people confuse us. Maybe they do. Maybe that’s why no one seems to remember I’m a chick, despite my frequent TMI-pushing postings about my bra size (38DDD), pregnancy, nursing and cervical fluid.

I remember you’re a gal, because of your post in the ‘Your Ultimate SDMB Thread’ thread.

The notion of “public nudity” leaves an indeliable impression on my malleable leetle grey cells.

Well, when I decided to change my username to this name that I use elsewhere I checked to see if there were any others and there were a couple Wile E Coyotes, one used underscores or periods in his name, but neither had posted for a couple years.

I sometimes confuse myself with DesertDog because I also use the name DesertSongDog elsewhere.

For someone, no one has ever chosen a name similar to mine.

I don’t know - is there a piker floating around?

I used to be Krebnar the Magnificent, but once happened across a thread by the erudite Carnac the Magnificent and realized I’d been scooped on the name by several years.

:: shakes fist at the heavens ::


I’m surprised nobody’s confused me with this guy yet. Or maybe everyone has. Who knows?

[Homer Simpson]“My God, this guy’s my exact double!” [/HS]

Is a psuedo-clone kinda like a leather product made from cloned cows?

I wish someone would take the username Rafaella Gabriella. Then she could be my sister.

There are several usernames with the name Rufus in them. This has caused me no problems on the boards whatsoever.