I have a psuedo-clone on the SDMB!

I was thinking of the exact same scene when I first started this thread. Talk about ironic!

Actually I think that’s kinda lame. If I were choosing my name and found “Max Carnage” was already taken, I wouldn’t throw a _ or . in there to make it work. Someone apparently has already thought of that clever name. Leave it be and pick again.

It’s a wonder I don’t yell at more people on City Of Heroes.

Damn you!
Anyhow, there are quite a few other Max’s and Maxx’s, but I remain, to my knowledge, the only Vool.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Touche! I should have written “how appropriate” instead of “talk about ironic”. BTW, excellent use of a *Princess Bride * quote to point out my mistake regarding the previous quote! You’re a crafty one, I’ll give you that… :slight_smile:

You might have seen Dr. Scarlett – she changed her username to Red Stilettos.

I remember posting in a limerick thread that featured contributions from Spider Woman and Spyder_Woman (not sure if I got either name punctuationally correct). Neither could ever be confused with Sanguine Spider, who apparently hasn’t posted in a while… :frowning:

There’s a Katt and a Kal that I confused with myself sometimes, but I don’t know if other people confuse them with me or me with them.

Just to add to the list, we had a Truth Seeker and a Truth_Seeker. I’m not sure which came first, but I think the newcomer changed his/her name after the original posted a thread about it.

I have a Rube E. Tewsday (or some such spelling) but it’s never been a problem.

No. It’s Rubystreak I always think is you.

There is Mangetout and Mangeorge.

One eats peas, the other eats…barley.
Yes, I know the etymoligies are different.

Really? I always think Ruby is Rubystreak. :wink:

Dang, I forgot about Rubystreak!

What gall, what nerve, what audacity, to have a name so similar to mine!

[sub]I am sooo not going to look up his/her join date. :smiley: [/sub]

All part of the plan to take over your life, my friend. Bwahahahaha! :cool:

You folks are all so patient! There was a jackalope who registered a couple years ago, and I foresaw confusion* and wrote to the mods. They contacted her and she agreed to change her username.

*Well, actually another Doper, who has herself had a change of username in the last few years and who sends totally cool postcards, noticed the similar names and e-mailed me about it.

Yes, and I think there’s a Don’t Ask, too, but I’ve never noticed any confusion among us. I’ve “been here since before the beginning,”* and nobody ever mentioned any mistaken identity.
*…Bozos… Firesign Theater

I remember seeing a Hugh Manatee a while back, but they seem to have disappeared, and I don’t post too much, so I doubt that there was any confusion.

I concur and add my laugh to the chorus: Bwahahahahahahaha! :stuck_out_tongue:

You folks are all so patient! There was a jackalope who registered a couple years ago, and I foresaw confusion* and wrote to the mods. They contacted her and she agreed to change her username.QUOTE]

I’ve thought about doing this, but I don’t want to come out looking like a jerk over it. I guess things will be okay as long as my twin and I don’t post anything that might cause embarrassment to the other. It’s funny that it took me this long to notice the other “Guy”. Well, maybe not that funny…

Gundy doesn’t seem to post here anymore, but I still see her (her, right?) name around every once in a while and think someone’s being familiar with me.

And then I realize they’re not, and that’s kind of sad, really.