Lookit That Fur Fly!

Kitten Cannon

For being a standard “set height, set force, let 'er rip” game, I gotta say…daaamn, this one if fun. :slight_smile:

I’m glad I decided to play just one more game before posting this. My record had been 1,084 feet, but in that last game I sent that sucker out 2,114 feet (with a height apex of 293’) before a Venus Flytrap got him (still had a ton of momentum, too…oh well).

Have you seen Flamingo Drive?

Meh. It’s no Nanaca Crash.

This is not funny. Do you know that thousands of pets are abused and abandoned? This sort of things is exactly what promotes animal cruelty! Children who see this Web site will now want to go out and hurt cats, and…

they… hee hee… BWAAAAA HA HA HAAAAA!

1,153 feet is my best shot so far.

High score? Pffff, anyone can do that. I’m going for low score. 11 feet is my best so far!

Egads, that is one of the most incredibly sick things I have ever seen.
1436 feet, so far…

I second this statement.

Is there any trick to getting it to fire the cat far? I know that the goal is to get it to hit a lot of the bombs and trampolines to bounce further, but the initial cannon shot sometimes goes hundreds of feet…sometimes three, what gives? My best so far is just over 300. :o


Oh, so that’s what the sliding red bar on the angle thing is…