Pssssssst! Guess what I've got!?


Here’s momma cat looking a bit like, “Lawdy, am I pregnant!”
Her name is Little Bit.

Here are the babies at just a few hours old.

Cute little things!

WTF? :confused:
I don’t know what I hit, but aaaaannnnyways.

There are 5 in all.

This one was too funny!
The one in the middle fought hard for that nipple and was going to make sure no one else was going to come near it.

Here’s four of them, with their names.
Well, what we’re calling them for right now anyways. Only two of them have homes for certain, Norman being one of them.

Here’s the fifth one, Tiggy. She’s already been adopted by a very nice girl.

Here’s my own bad boy that couldn’t stand not being the center of attention.
He get’s that from his momma. :wink:

“Hey, baby!”

As mentioned in another thread, if you’re in the Tallahassee, FL area and are in need of a tiny baby kitten to coo & cuddle, email me. :slight_smile:


Honey? Can we get a kitten?

The only thing cuter than a kitten is a bunch of kittens!

This one had me cracking up while trying to take the pic.
She’s the runt of the litter, but man! is she fast. I would put her in the center of the bed, kneel at the foot and by the time I got into position to take the pic, she was already on me. She was like a little wind-up toy. Those little legs would be flailing until I put her down and then VRRROOOOOM! She’s off. :stuck_out_tongue:

Squeeeeeeeee!!! Yay for lil’ fuzzy nummy cutie furballs! Eeeeee!, they’re so smooshy and wuvable and ooo so cutie bootie oh yes dey is! Yeeees, dey is! Da 'lil ootie cuties wif dere 'lil…errrrr…why is the room spinning?

:: “cute center” of brain overloads ::
:: collapses, twitching ::

Thanks for the pictures. Fuzzers are so cute!! :smiley:

And this from the person who created tentacled squcks?!?
points and laughs

After last night I was going to guess you had herpes, but kittens was my second guess. You’ve got some adorable little buggers there.

[sub]pssst–look what I ain’t got…[/sub]

And they still have the “newborn blue” eyes…however, since I am sitting in the office with one cat in my lap, one on the back of the chair, one behind me in the seat, one on the desk, two under the desk and two hiding somewhere, I had better not say I want one.

How did you know it was my anniversary yesterday? :eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

They are in that *hyperactive, fight everything * stage. I was on the phone with my father last night and the conversation on my end went something like, “Yes, I wuv my widdle sweet baby kittens! So cute and cuddly and innocent and OW! Quit biting my toe, ya little furball!” :smiley:

It’s Pussy Galore at your place.


Oh c’mon…that joke is always funny!


I thought it was funny, Shirley. :slight_smile:

As to the pics, there are no words for the level of utter cute here. I want that fast little one running in the last pic!

Hey, you make the drive, you’ve got a kitten. :wink:
Someone might be adopting her, but they’re still considering it as they already have a cat and two dogs.
I don’t want to get rid of any of them, but that’s just my heart talking and it cares nothing about the financial consequences of having 8 cats. :frowning:
Plus my dad begged me on the phone last night to not become The Crazy Cat Lady.

No offense intended, CrazyCatLady. :wink:

Yes Shirley, it is. You get a cookie for that one.
And I want this one:

Can I have that one? Please? Pretty please with whipped cream and sugar and a cherry on top?

Baby kitties!
Cute lil’ fuzzers!

I love the picture (leftmost one in bottom row) of the little kitten meowing.

On a more serious note, you are going to get Mom-cat spayed now, right? She can get pregnant again when the last litter is barely weaned.

She’s a stray.
We were out looking for my bad boy one night and she came running into the house like, “Hey! I heard you were looking for a cat. Here I am!”
I thought she must belong to one of the college kids in our area, but she stuck around the house and would invite herself in when we got home from work. She’s such a snuggler, I want to keep her but she fights with my husband’s cat, Gia.
If no one adopts her, I guess my only option is to get her spayed and put her back outside. :frowning:
I’d rather keep her than my husband’s spaztastic recluse of a cat, but he loves her so I can’t do that. Plus Gia’s not a bad cat, but it irks me how she’ll flee like you’re trying to eat her if you so much as walk into the room. She’s all cute and fluffy and won’t let hardly anyone but my husband pet her. It’s not like I’ve ever done anything to her. Hell, I was the one that fell in love with her and adopted her. She was all cute and small like these and when I held her she started purring and playing with my necklace.
Little traitor. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, we can get her spayed as soon as the babies are weaned.
That is if someone doesn’t adopt her, which I hope they do as it will be a financial relief for *them * to have it done!