Calvina Fay, you lying bitch!

Today on NPR’s Talk of the Nation they were covering the Supreme Court’s decision that federal law trumps state law when it comes to medical marijuana.

The link to ToTN will have an audio link to hear the segment later today.

Calvina Fay, the executive director of Drug Free America was interviewed and was lying her ass off.

She claimed that the amount of medical marijuana that could be possessed by California law was between 13 and 30 pounds at any given time. Did she give any information to back her claim? No.


But wait!


And in my own state of Oregon:

This was one of her bigger lies.

Your parody of Helen Lovejoy(Reverend Lovejoy’s wife on the Simpsons) with your shrill variant of “Won’t someone think of the children?” was nauseating and disinguenuous.

Using medical marjuana and treating it as a slippery slope being funded by activists who want all drugs legalized(she actually said this) was a fucking lie.

Looking at the website for her group and reading their literature was like watching the recent musical Reefer Madness without the irony or entertainment value.

NO ONE who called into the program called this bitch on her lies. She basically got an open forum to lie without substantiating her “facts”. There was a single caller during her tirade that talked about her late mother with cancer that was helped with marijuana. Other than that, it was an ignorant glurgefest of the evils of marijuana.

There are so many lies in the aforelinked page from Drug Free America that I have neither the time nor the energy to refute. Perhaps a doper with faster and more durable fingers could smack this bitch down further.

I know this is a valid rant, but… senate bill 420? :smiley:

They accomplish this by effectively screening the calls…

Y’know… I missed that.


And yet in triple checking that cite as it is from NORML, it is really the number of that bill.


So you’re telling me that NPR, the bastion of the liberal media, would have screened out anyone rational calling in who could have shredded this lying bitch?

Heh. That’s at least a big piece of irony as the California Senate Bill SB 357 dealing with serializing ammunition. Just more proof that state is whacked.

Not really. I just see conspiracy in everything these days…

Is there anything that backs up the claim that the calls were screened to get rid of the pro medical marijuana calls?

Naw, the pro medical marijuana callers got bored while on hold and got some snacks.

Who told you to say that?

No, but it makes a great fucking hijack of this thread.

I couldn’t understand why she kept bringing up children. AFAIK no children have been prescribed medicinal marijuana.

I also loved the way she kept calling it a “crude weed”. Is that the new catch phrase?

Well, if she repeats it enough everyone will believe she’s right.

I sent in an e-mail pro-medical marijuana, but they didn’t read it. I SO wanted to call up with a supposed good comment and when that stupid bitch was on just yell “IT’S REEFER MADNESS!!!”

Man, what a lying stupid beyotch. For real. Cocaine, Methadone, and other “street” type drugs are used in medicine. Get off the cross over marijuana. She went on and on about how people might get high from it or have enough to sell. What the fuck does she think is being done with oxycodone? Cripes. Marijuana is the least of the drug free freak’s problems.

It is true that an awful lot of the drug legalization activists are on the medical marijuana bandwagon. I think this hurts the cause, myself.

Hell, I’m behind legalization of heroin as another tool in pain management, but I don’t want everyone to get the stuff.

Oh Lordy the cancer patients might get stoned!
Where exactly is the harm in that?
See, if you’re terminally ill with a crap quality of life being in a chemically induced state of euphoria is just fine and dandy as long as it’s induced by opiates such as morphine. You want to be in a chemically induced state of euphoria induced by cannabis? You’re going straight to hell and taking the moral fabric of the nation with you!

To be honest, I don’t care what drugs people take, as long as they’re not taking them while driving, flying, operating heavy machinery, running a country or practicising medicine. Or lying, stealing and prostituting themselves or others in order to get a fix.

1 in 9 regular cannabis users becomes addicted to or dependent on cannabis. As opposed to 90% of regular coffee drinkers who become addicted to or dependent on caffeine. How many people “need” a coffee before they “feel like themselves” in the morning? Bingo, you’re dependent on caffeine, you just didn’t realise it.

We arbitrarily decide which substances are “good” and “bad”. It’s a value judgement, not a factual one.

Nonesense. I can quit any time. I just don’t WANT to!

<mental note to self: must try to stop snorting fine grounds with an esspresso chaser…>

Well, that’s just nonsense. We were out of coffee at the office yesterday, but after I had a couple of Mountain Dews, I felt just fine!


Maybe next week, they’ll have Hobbesina on the show to talk about how marijuana affects tigers.

How is my question a hijack? It seems rather pertinent to me. You said that nobody called in and spooje said that pro MM calls were screened. A claim that gets straight to the heart of your complaint if true.