To Kill a Mockingbird

I just saw this (again) on AMC.

Damn that’s one good movie. Gregory Peck should have won the Oscar. Watching him from behind when he said that Tom Robinson was dead - whoa.

It makes me cry every time when Scout sees Boo behind the door, and the look of wonder on her face.

"Stand up, Miss Jean-Louise! Your daddy’s passin’.)

I cry every single time.

It’s a *great * movie. Right from the opening credits (which are brilliant), you’re *in * it. Gregory Peck won the Best Actor Oscar for it. I believe it also won Best Adapted Screenplay and Art Direction.

As an aside, my daughter, watched it for English earlier this year, and afterward, said to me “Gregory Peck is kind of, um, disturbingly attractive for an old man.” So of course I had to show her what a stunner he was as a *young * man, and we had a Gregory Peck filmfest that weekend. Now I’ve probably got the only fourteen-year-old in America whose room is plastered with pictures of Gregory Peck.

Could a mod kindly fix my piss-poor coding? :smack:
Thank you!

Ha! cool. He shore was purty. I like him best in* Duel in the Sun.*

aka Lust in the Dust. :slight_smile:

To Kill A Mockingbird’s my favorite Peck movie too, followed by The Big Country, The Bravados, and The Yearling.

Gregory Peck is my anachronistic crush. He was seriously yummy. Not only extremely good looking but that voice! le sigh They just don’t make them like that anymore.

I love To Kill A Mockingbird, too, everytime I see it I am enthralled.

Please instruct your daughter that a 46-year-old is an older man, not an old man. (I’m getting close to that age.)

More reasons to love him. I just read his bio on IMDB. Wow.

Great flick.

Except I used to get distracted when they started talking about “bustin’ up a chifforobe”. My mind would wander away, wondering what the heck is a chifforobe? Until I finally looked it up:

**chif•fo•robe ** n. Chiefly Southern U.S.
A tall piece of furniture typically having drawers on one side and space for hanging clothes on the other.

Well, if they were to remake To Kill A Mokingbird today, whom would you chose to play Atticus Finch? Scout? Boo?

Tom Hanks might be good for Atticus.

Man, if ever have a boy, I might just name him Atticus. What a cool name…

To Kill A Mockingbird is my favorite movie, one of the few I’ve purchased. I enjoy re-reading the book from time to time, as well.

I love it too, simply a great, great movie. (marvelous book too :))

Excellent book, excellent movie.

I read through IMDB’s biography of Peck’s life. Though it was mostly apt, there was one sentence which I found slightly amusing.

…Well… a lot of movies do, you know. :smiley:

The ancient Miss Dubose was only 48 (the mean ol’ lady who keeps a pistol under her shawl) when she made this movie!

And what about that toothy kid from a later “Star Trek” ep “Miri.” “Lovey Dovey! Bonk, bonk on the head!”

This is one of my favourite movies of all time. I recently had the pleasure of introducing my husband to it - he’d never read the book nor seen the movie, and while I was happy to get to see it with him for the first time, it broke my heart when, during the court scene after Atticus demonstrated that Tom could not have hit the girl because of the injury to his arm, Mr. Bunny got all happy and said “That’s it! They have to let him go now!”
Needless to say, we were both in tears by the end. After that. we decided that when we have a kid some day, Atticus would make a fine middle name. :slight_smile:

The movie is a 10 and they held true to a great book.
Always compelling to watch and likely to pull 2 hours out of a day that I planning to do something else.

They should never remake this movie. There are some that are too good to touch.
This is one.
I believe AFI rated Atticus as the #1 Movie Hero of all time. I thought that was a remarkably good choice.


When I was in grade 9, we read and watched “To Kill a Mockingbird”, and I fell in love. Everyone else’s lockers were plastered with pictures of N*Sync and the Backstreet Boys and Eminem; my locker had a pig picture of Gregory Peck (and a couple smaller ones of Jimmy Stewart - also introduced to me by my English teacher). The wallpaper on my computer is currently a picture of Mr. Peck. And I turned out fine! I just have an irrational attraction to men over 40!

Sounds like you’re raising a smart one there, congrats.

I would love to see a new treatment, not of To Kill a Mockingbird, but of the actual Scottsboro Boys case ( ). TKMB is told from a child’s perspective, and what’s important from a child’s perspective is not really Tom Robbins, but her father and what she learns both about and from her father. That’s FINE, and a good and valid story to tell, but I would like to see the same material from the perspective of the people for whom it was the defining events of their adult life, not just one of many fomative events of their childhood.

Plus, the closest analoge in the real case to the Atticus charecter was a Commie Jew boy from New York. I think that is different enough to be worth exploring.

Oh, I know exactly what you mean. “Hey, Boo.”

Goodness gracious, you’re not kidding. I hadn’t known he looked like a department store mannequin! That’s seriously archetypically handsome!