Penis on U.S. currency!?

I got one of the new 2005 buffalo nickels, and noticed there is a prominent part of the buffalo’s anatomy featured on the coin. Is this what I think it is, and, if so, is this the first time that a penis has been featured on U.S. currency, or any nation’s currency, for that matter? See for yourself… 2005 Buffalo Nickel

Is anyone else strangely aroused…?

Must resist urge to mention Grover Cleveland.

If you think that’s bad, you should have seen the first draft of the Susan B. Anthony dollar.


Are we counting Andrew Jackson?

It’s nothing new, and it’s not a penis. It’s featured on the original buffalo nickel as well. The feature in question is called the prepuce tassel, and although it is a part of the male anatomy on buffalo, it’s not the penis itself. It’s just long hair growing from the foreskin.

Snopes has a page about it. Apparently there was a rumor that the coins were to be recalled, which is untrue.

Oh, well, when you put it that way, that’s much better!

Oh, yeah, my mom had that.

How the hell did that get past Ashcroft?

I’m glad I don’t live over there. You 'muricans and your buffalo wang money. Creepy.

Our nickel has a big beaver on it. Much better.

Shit, if they really wanted to showcase American might, they’d put my penis on the coin!

Your mom has a foreskin? Sooooo…she’s not Jewish?

The Cook Islands can beat that (if you pardon the metaphor).

I have upstairs somewhere a dollar (?) coin featuring the Poynesian sea god Tangaroa, who looks a little like this.

Ah yes, intimidation through uproarious laughter. Make them so bleary-eyed they can’t see to shoot.


Yup, that might be a penis.

Those perfidious Yanks! They’ve invented something that looks like a penis, only smaller. Talk about a secret weapon.

Of course you can barely see it, you’re all the way up in Canada! It’s difficult to see from more than 500 miles away. You have to at least come down to the California/Oregon border to see it properly.