Eating Placenta

I just came across this column of Cecil’s on eating placentas after a Google search, while I was blogging my own experience about eating my son’s placenta. (He’s almost 4 now, but I felt the urge to write about the experience today.) I have no idea how old the column is or how extensively it was commented on in these forums, so hope I’m not rehashing.

Anyway, I thought I had something new to add, namely to confirm from my own experience that yes indeed human placentas are on occasion eaten!


When my ex was pregnant with our second child(mid 1980’s), our Dr asked if we knew why, in the movies, that they always ask someone to boil water when a woman is about to deliver.

Thinking he was serious, we said no.
He said, giggling, “Well, it’s so they can eat the placenta.”


After reading the OP’s recipe on Placenta Stir Fry, I now realise he didn’t know how serious he was.