Texas - An Evil State

Man executed on disproven evidence

The blood lust of Texas strikes again. Every citizen of Texas is to blame for this. The laws the citizens have allowed to be passed are evil. And the Texans that oppose their state’s bloodlust are the worst. You know it is wrong but you don’t do enough to stop it. This man’s blood in on your hands.

Texas = 1 step above Iran in justice

Texans you should be ashamed.


  1. No, we aren’t.
  2. No, it isn’t.
  3. No, it isn’t.
  4. I don’t care.

Shut up.

Oh, come on. The President of the United States has full confidence in the justice system of Texas. You trust the President, don’t you?

So are you OK with your state executing people based on false evidence?

Ok, I’m not a huge fan of Texas either (having been sent there waaay too many times on business. Gonzales, Texas? Not my favorite). But you really need to calm down.

Seriously. Take a deep breath. Relax. While the incident is deplorable, it’s not every Texans fault. Generalizations are always wrong.

Not at all. But the OP was moronic drek which deserved no better a reply than I gave.

SoulFrost, are you saying that Texans don’t pick their leaders and make laws through the political process? Are you saying that Texans haven’t had notice for years that their justice system is fucked up?

The time comes when enough is enough.

Face this man’s blood is on your hands. Please do something before the next one. IT may help with the feeling of guilt for being a part of murder.

Had you left it at that, all would be well. You and I could have a rational and reasonable discussion.

Then you added what has become – and in such a short time – your usual idiocy:

So all you really deserve in response is scorn. Fuckhead.

Yeeeeeeeeeee-haw! Yea! Woooo!!!

I jest LURVE killin’ me some lower-class scum!! Whoa doggy!!! Let’s string up some colored folks and gays, too! T’ain’t nuthin’ more entertainin’ on a Saterday naht!!!

Blood makes the grass grow! Kill! KILL!!!

Well, Acqua Minerale has clearly established that I’m an amoral evil bastard, so I may as well revel in it.

Or you can do something about it.


Don’t you care?

Please stop it.

If the good people of Texas weren’t so scared and lazy this would have been stopped long ago.

Don’t let another man’s blood on your hands.

Is this a parody? I can’t tell.

Yes Acqua Minerale, the actions of the entire USA are entirely down to you. Everything Bush, Halliburton, ExxonMobil and Union Carbide have done is your fault, because you live in the country they come from. You are an enabler of Fred Phelps, Ann Coulter and Dick Cheney because of your cowardly failure to stand up for the oppressed and assassinate them with a lump of frozen tofu. What are you going to do to make amends to the rest of humanity?

No blood lust in Texas?

Mmmmmm… blood on my hands. Makes a nice in-between-meals snack.


So, Acqua… I assume that my fellow Texans on this board also vote and are involved in the political process. We vote, we stay informed, and we call bullshit when we see it.

What more do you want? You want we should storm Austin all Rambo-like and hang the murderin’ bastards?

Scared? Lazy? What have you done (other than calling people names on a messageboard), you sorry sack of spineless shit?

Not a fair comparison. Most of the people you cited are private actors.

And Dick Cheney is a good guy.

Well you see, Acqua Minerale knows something that the rest of you don’t know.

For starters, voting is 100% required in Texas. Every single person, from the Governor down to Billy Joe’s coon-dog, heads on up to Peewallup Elementary School on Votin’ Day (they don’t have words ending in ‘ng’ in Texas) to cast their votes for every decision that will be made in the coming year.

Additionally, no decisions are made by legislators alone. Every decision, including sentences handed down by judges and what information to pay attention to in any given trial, is made by every single Texan.

I bet you didn’t know that every decision had to be unanimous, too! Say what you like about Molly Ivins and Kinky Friedman; at the end of the day they all get up to their votin’ district and DEMAND we kill an extra fifty Meskins and Afry-can Merr’cuns ev’ry week, reg’lar. Ain’t no dissent in Texas.

How about peaceful protest? Remember that guy that burned himself in protest over Vietnam. If 500 Texans did that, one each day on in front of the Texas state house, this problem would be solved.

Hell, it wouldn’t even take 500. More than 5.

And that is an extreme example. Other things could be done.

How about the good Texans refuse to work until the justice system is fixed.

The point is you have to stop this. By any peaceful means.

So even if I voted for somebody other than who’s in office right now, I’m a murderer. And everybody else in the state who voted for somebody else is a murderer?

And just exactly who should I have voted for to make sure this never happens?

Oh, you don’t know.

You just wanted to spout off some bullshit to make you look superior. Made you look like a raving asshole is what it did. Well, not just this one post, seems like every post you make here does that.

So fuck off, dickhead.

How do you know I’m not? How do you know a goddamned thing about me?

Rather than ASSUME, why not ASK?

Is this a parody? I can’t tell.

No really. I can’t. I mean, if that idiot Acqua Minerale understood what I was saying, surely you did too. Oh, and to help you out on the off chance you aren’t kidding, SoulFrost’s bit about blood making a nice snack was parody, too.


You first.