Does Fats Domino have alzheimers?

We went to Jazz Fest this past weekend. Saw Ellis Marsalis and a lot of local talent, most memorably John Boutte’, who had the audience in tears with his rendition of “Louisiana”. Fats Domino was supposed to be the blockbuster finale for the Fest, and there were several thousand people on hand to hear the legend perform. At the last minute, an announcement was made that Fats was unable to perform and that Lionel Ritchie would sing instead (sort of like substituting Kenny G for Charlie Parker). No reason given.

Next day we visited the voodoo museum. I was talking to the gal taking the money, chatting about Jazz Fest and NOLA. I mentioned that Fats had cancelled and she told me that her father’s cousin’s nephew’s brother’s aunt’s half-sister (or some convoluted relation) had put him up after Katrina and was under the impression that the man seemed to be in the early stages of alzheimers. Said he kept drifting in and out.

“Ain’t That A Shame” would not begin to cover that sort of situation. Anybody else heard anything about this?