Is this YouTube video fine to post?

Is it okay to post this?

It’s safe for work. Just a little kid singing a Malaysian song.

I’m just hesitant to post a link to a video file, is all. I haven’t been here in ages and I’m not sure how everything works around here.

I don’t know of any reason not to link to a non-porn video. People link to videos all the time, in fact. And they even link to videos that violate copyright, which happens all the time on youtube, although your link does not appear to be an example of it. It’s polite to warn people that the link goes to a video, though, for those at work or with slow connections.

Noted (about warning people). Thanks!

Vision, please note that Expano is not a moderator, so what he thinks about board policy is his opinion and not official.

Having said that, I now confirm what he said in this case. I just want to be sure we’re all clear that opinions offered by members are not the same as statements by moderators. :wink:

You realize that you did post it, right? :slight_smile:

This is true. I am so not a jackbooted nazi. :smiley:

No, they’re usually correct.

I keed, I keed.

But you forgot to don the Moderators Hat, so what you posted above was as a member and not as a moderator. Damn this gets confoosing.