Some questions about Chewbacca

I’m watching the original Star Wars trilogy for the first time tonight. I’ve gotten through the first two movies, and I’ve got some questions about this Chewbacca character.
[li]What’s the purpose of the strap he wears across his shoulder? There seem to be little boxes on it. Are they for holding ammunition, or are they just decorative?[/li][li]How did Peter Mayhew and/or the sound effects team produce Chewbacca’s vocalizations?[/li][/ol]

If you look at The IMDB trivia page for Star Wars it says that “Chewbacca’s ‘voice’ is a combination of several animals including bears, badgers, walrus and camels.” Someone might be able to give a more expansive answer.

  1. It is a bandoleer. Since you never see him reload the crossbow it is hard to say if it is full of ammo or not. EU stuff may cover that.
  2. AFAIK, his vocalizations are made from blending the sounds of serveral animals into the wookie language.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this is O.J. Simpson. Simpson is a former football player who’s still looking for the real killer. That…Does…Not…Make…Sense!

Ah, forget it. I’m not clever enough.

I’ve heard bears, walruses (walri?), and camels before—he sounds more like a camel than the other two. Never heard a badger, though. What do badgers sound like?

The girl who lived next door to me in the dorms last year could make a Chewbacca noise, and would often do it when she was annoyed. I have no idea how she did it, but it was really eerie.

Badgers? We don’t need no stinkin’ badgers!

EU-wise, his crossbow fires “energy quarrels” (wow, how long did it take to think that one up? :rolleyes: ) so either they’re just batteries or they’re a physical quarrel with a charge of some kind in it.

The question is why would a Wookie – an eight foot tall Wookie – live on Endor with a bunch of Ewoks? It does not make sense.

When did Chewie live on Endor with the Ewoks?

He comes from a different planet, which is (briefly) seen in one of the new movies, I think #2 or #3.


Well, wasn’t there that Christmas thing that showed his home planet?

Now that was a genuine whoosh.
Look at the monkey, look at the silly monkey!

It’s not a crossbow, it’s called a bowcaster.

Chewie lives on the planet of Kasshyk, as seen in Revenge of the Sith and The Star Wars Holiday Special. The Chewbacca Defense is seriously flawed.

:smack: Couldn’t remember the name of the thing. You’re right, of course.

A little like…

Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!!

Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!!

Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger…


I didn’t realize that Wookies played chess.

When playing alien chess, the Chewbacca defense consists on pulling people’s arms out of their sockets when they lose; it is indeed a flawed defense, but it will do…


When playing alien chess, the Chewbacca defense consists on pulling people’s arms out of their sockets when he loses; it is indeed a flawed defense, but it will do…

I’m sorry…I don’t care who you are…that is just deeply, deeply sexy.