Jedi Mind Trick

My three-year-old son is trying to pull the old Jedi Mind Trick on me. He’s on the table, and when I told him to get down he levelled his gaze at me and said

I’m not on the table, Daddy.

Sigh. Kids.

Was he still on the table as you typed that?

If so, then the Jedi mind trick was to do something amusing to get you to post it while he remained on the table. The force is strong in that one.

Imitate Jabba.

Holy shit, my hot ex had the Jedi mind trick like crazy. We used to get into any place for free. I don’t know how she did it, and it’s one of the things I miss, but man, she had it.

“I’m not jumping on the bed.”

Stated calmly and clearly, with authoritative brown eyes staring straight into mine.

Had she not been upside-down, halfway between the mattress and the ceiling when she said it, she’d have had me for sure. I look out for asps, 'cause my daughter is the queen of “denial.”

Our cats try this all the time.
Hasn’t worked yet.

When my son was three, he was playing outside with some friends (supervised by their parents). Suddenly he came tearing into the house, up the stairs, into his room, slammed the door, into the closet, and slammed that door.


“Yes, Mom?”

“Watcha doin’?”


“I’m not chewing gum!”


Did she have really big Jedi Mind Tricks?

C’mon, Winston, teach your kids, will’ya? The JMT never works if you don’t get the little hand wave motion right.

Sheesh…kids these days…

I have photographic documentation of my husband attempting the Jedi Mind Trick. This was, of course, well before the movie came out, so my husband was ahead of his time.

His father was in the Air Force, stationed in Italy, and my MIL lived with the two kids in an apartment. The old Italian lady next door loved children, and fed my husband chocolate whenever she could.

At one point, my husband comes back home, face covered in chocolate, and when his mother asked him if he’d been eating chocolate, he said, “No, Mommy” and opened his mouth very wide to show her that there was no chocolate.

He looked so cute she quickly grabbed the camera and took a picture of his wide open mouth, his innocent eyes…and chocolate covering him practically down to his collar.

My wife says I can do the Jedi Mind Trick, because twice she’s seen me get out of being arrested by the police when they had good cause to take me in. The reality is that I had so many run-ins with the police before I got with her that I’m totally calm in those kinds of situations and good at making the police feel at ease.

My mom just reminded me of this one:

My brother was 3 and mostly potty trained and she sent him to go by himself. He was gone…and gone…and gone…“Are you ok?” “Yeah!”…and gone and gone… Finally she got up to look down the hall and sees him running toward her, stark naked, holding the comics section of the newspaper.

Mom: “Where are your clothes?!”
Brother: glances around innocently “Gots a newspaper!” holds it up for inspection

It didn’t work. He was captured and re-clothed soon after.

Yeah, he’s all adorable now, but you just wait until he starts dating hot mysteriously pregnant senators and talking about killing all the Tusken Raiders…