Tom Cruise Scientology video, via Archive Guy

**Archive Guy ** posted this in another older thread and I didn’t want it to get lost over there, its that good.

Note that I simply posted it–linked & posted/linked & posted/linked & posted–from another website.

I have no formal affiliation with Xenu, Thetanlantis, Surinetics, or Emo-meters.

I swear.

*One of Us! One of Us! Gooble Gobble, We Accept You!

I’m holding out for the 0.00001 percent chance that TC has a wicked sense of humor and this is a big goof…

Not only has Scientology amassed and army of brainwashed Hollywood celebs, but apparently they have a kick ass computer graphics department. Did you see how shiny the diamond-studded logo was?

I’m trying to find a coherent thought, I’m 4:45 in, and am still waiting.

Were you really expecting one???

CMC +fnord!

I say he still makes more sense than Kirk Cameron :slight_smile:

Your Thetans are getting in the way of you comprehending the truth. But we can help you with education. Now if you step this way, I will hook you up to this highly advanced device. No, it’s not an Atari 1600 wired to an Ace bandage, it’s an E-meter and it will help you become clear. First though, I’m going to need you to take out your checkbook…

I can’t watch videos with my connection. I guess I should be grateful.

Earlier today I was reading a site that listed a bunch of secret celebrity Scientologists, secret only because they are not as well known as Scientologists as some others. They had Charlie Manson listed as #1. Supposedly he studied Scientology for quite some time, 150 hours of course work, and finally dismissed it as too crazy. It’s too crazy for Charlie Manson!?

I was hoping I’d see a thread on this. It’s amazing how Tom Cruise is able to talk for so long without really saying anything at all. Has anyone picked up a copy of the Cruise biography by Andrew Morton yet? Wiki says it came out today, sounds like a pretty interesting read. Of all the celebrity trainwrecks, this is by far my favorite.
How long until Scientology recruits Britney Spears?

Is it true Will Smith has joined Scientology?




I can see being a Scientologist, or Mormon, or hell general Christian, and say that you don’t buy the whole origin of it, but are into it because you think the regular day to day teachings help you. But to be like Tom and believe in the origin, when the creator himself says he made the origin up, and to believe it gives you super powers or whatever the hell he was prattling on about, you really have to question his sanity or his honesty. It could very well be he’s a shrewd guy and their paying him tons to say all that, and he’s laughing all the way to the bank.

Does anyone have a youtube URL for this clip? I can download clips from Youtube, but I don’t know how to do it when it’s imbedded like that. I can’t find it on Youtube. I want to get it in case they have it taken down.

The one that was on youtube now says:

“This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of Scientology International”

I guess even they view him as an embarassment. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I found that. They also suspended the guy’s account. I wonder if he’s in a Scientology dungeon somewhere now.

“When a Scientologist stops to help at a car accident, it’s because he knows he’s the only one that *can *help.”

Well golly. I guess I’ll let my CPR certification and my humanity lapse. After all, Tom Cruise is on the case! Think of how much commute time I save by never stopping at an accident! Thanks, Tom Cruise!

Do you have a cite for this? I’m interested because I’ve heard this said a few times before but never seen an actual quote. Are you referring to the quote “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous, if a man really wanted to make a million dollars, he would start a religion.”? If so then yes, it’s damning, but it’s not the same as saying he admitted he made the story of origin up.

I saw John Travolta on James Lipton’s show. He spoke very briefly about Scientology, but one of the things he said was how close some of the Scientology exercises were to the exercises done in acting school. Is it possible that the apparent high percentages of performers who practice Scientology is related to the fact that for them, at least, it works? Leaving apart the whole Xenu thing, because from my point of view that’s no more odd than the back from the dead Jesus that Christians believe in. Zombies walking? I can believe in aliens more easily.

I was about halfway through it, and he said something that gave me goosebumps. He said “What a beautiful thing, because maybe one day it’ll be like that, you know what I’m saying, maybe one day it will be…wow, SPs, like they’ll just read about those in the history books”

In case anyone doesn’t know what SP means, it stands for “Supressive Person” aka people who are against $cientology. In other words, he just stated what $cientology’s real goal is, to take over the world and get rid of their enemies. That sounds melodramatic, and of course it will never happen, but that’s what L. Ron Hubbard wanted, and so, no matter how delusional the idea is, they truly believe that one day they’ll rule the world.

A couple of minutes later Cruise says “You’re either in or you’re out” and that too is a direct line from Hubbard. If you’re not a $cientologist, you’re nothing. You’re either with them or against them. He also says “it’s our responsibility to educate, create the new reality” which is also part of the bullshit. Educate people about $cientology=brainwash them. Create the new reality=whatever Hubbard says that reality is, that’s the reality. A little later he’s talking about how it’s his job to help do this, and he says he has to “get those Spectators on the playing field or out of the arena” which sounds harmless, but not to me. I just now went back to watch the rest of it and it’s gone. The $cienos are working overtime to scour this kind of thing off the net. Andrew Morton’s book about Cruise comes out tomorrow, and they’re all in damage control.

No matter how goofy and silly and hilarious and batshit insane this weirdness may seem on the surface, it’s actually some fucking scary stuff man. They BELIEVE. Not just in Xenu and body thetans and E-meters and Hubbard as the Messiah, they BELIEVE that $cientolgists will one day rule the world. Freaky deaky.