Pro-Obama Dems: No more Clinton-bashing, please!

I voted for Obama myself in the primary (the Florida primary, HA! :frowning: ), but face facts: It’s still entirely possible, at this point, that she might be the nominee. You should say nothing in the primaries that will reinforce the memes the Pubs will be using against her in the general. We cannot afford to risk another Republican administration!

Sure, if you can convince me she is better than a Republican.

I’m not a Democrat, so by your criteria she’s still fair game to me.

You might also note that in previous threads there was a large contingent of people who said point-blank that they would not vote for Hillary under any circumstances, Democrat or not. The woman is not well-liked by members of this board, so your hyperbole is not particularly compelling.

With all due respect, BG…balderdash, sir, tommyrot.

There’s great confusion under Heaven companero, and the situation is excellent. People give a shit, the passions are running, they’re fired up. OK, this makes things more divisive than it might otherwise have been.

But our real enemy isn’t the Republican Party, our truest enemy is the Apathy Party, the comfortable boredom of predictability that lulls the most powerful citizenry in human history into a fatalistic inertia.

Stand back and let them rock and roll, when the smoke clears, people will have to make tough choices. The people are *supposed * to make tough choices! If we get so bent out of shape picking between two excelllent candidates than we can’t win against John McBush, with all the baggage he’s carrying, then fuck us, we get what we deserve.

Democracy isn’t a good system of governance, its simply the most just. More’s the pity, and so it goes.

(Realpolitik: I think Obama wan Kenobi should keep his rhetoric one notch cooler than Hillary! keeps hers. If he appears icy and she appears shrill, he comes off as a gentleman of dignity, and she appears desperate. Which is paydirt.)

Spare me the fear mongering. I get enough of it from the “a vote for the democrats is a vote for the terrorists.” And the idea of being nice to Hillary since she may be the nominee is comical considering Hillary’s latest attack.

Bullshit on this. Hillary is worse than McCain by any measure I use. I shall bash her every chance I get. I am an independent voter, so appeals to “Be a Party Suppoter” fall on deaf ears. Hill sucks diseased donkey-dicks.

Yes, I agree. Hillary is horrible. If she wins, I will continue saying the same things I’m saying about her now, because I’ll be voting for McCain.

If we can’t afford to risk another Republican administration, then tell that to the brain-dead fucking idiots who are still supporting Hillary.

I’m one of the people who says he will not vote for HRC under any circumstances. My reason? If I wanted to vote for race baiting war mongers, I’d be a fucking Republican. So, I think I will keep trashing her.

Clinton is just as likely as McCain to continue spending 12 billion+ per month on Iraq while cutting taxes for the most wealthy permanently. Both continue to support the war and continue to believe in our eventual “victory” if we just keep at it.

Clinton is just as likely as McCain to stack the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future with social conservative judges (pro life, anti gay marriage, against stem cell research, etc).

Honestly, Clinton and McCain are basically the same person. Choosing between them just comes down to who is less annoying, so McCain would have my vote.

Yeh, I wanted to reach through the screen and punch her lights out when I encountered that.

Dick Morris has the perfect comeback to her “red phone 3:00 a.m.” bullshit:


I couldn’t disagree more with the OP.

You think that whatever negative things Democrats could point out about Hillary Clinton, the Republicans haven’t already dug up or will uncover and use against her if she becomes the nominee?

Now is the time to debate and defuse these issues (assuming they are defusable). If there are any further heavy obstacles to Clinton’s winning in November, let’s find out about them now.

For instance - where are those tax returns, Ms. Clinton? How about all those papers from the days of Pres. and First Lady that the Clinton Library is squatting on and refusing to release (at the same time that your campaign trumpets your “experience”)? What’s your response to the revelation that you hunkered down during your time on the Wal-Mart board of directors and refused to speak up for Labor during continual anti-union assaults?

Allowing doubts to fester in silence now is not going to convince the GOP to go easy on a Clinton nominee after the convention.

If she stops trying to throw Obama under the nearest bus by the aforementioned ‘McCain would be more qualified’ statements and alternating that with ‘generous’ offers that he could share the ticket with her by being her VP, I’ll stop bitching about her. I had a fair amount of respect for her until recently.

I am not anti Obama or Clinton. As far as the elections go, I do not care which person I vote for. I suspect either administration would end up on similar paths. However, limiting my comments to this board and this board alone, I have come to the conclusion that the majority of Obama supporters are a bunch of immature vindictive assholes.

I see Hillary as Republican lite. She has become very wealthy in a short time. Sadly the rich never seem to have enough. I would take her over McCain. He is not only a war monger but he sells out. He recognized the tax cut to the rich was a bad idea. He has changed and now wants to make it permanent. He sells out quickly and easily. He was ranting about Lobbyists and has been deep in their pockets for years. Two terms of Bush make me willing to vote for anyone who is not repub.

Good points. While you’re at it, can you teach me how to vote straight-party Democrat on election day? I’m tired of using my brain. :frowning:

I’m an Obama supporter and a liberal Democrat who will vote for Clinton if she is nominated but that’s all she’s getting from me. I won’t be putting up any signs, wearing any buttons, or doing anything else that indicates to the public that I support her. If someone starts spouting off with some ugly anti-Hillary rhetoric, I won’t try to counter what he or she says no matter how scurrilous or absurd the charges are. I’ll just politely smile and say, “Well, you’re entitled to your view.”

The thing is, before the South Carolina Primary, I would’ve been more enthusiastic about having to support a Clinton candidacy than about having to fill out my tax form. Hillary Clinton’s campaign has done a lot to alienate people whose support she’ll need this November.

Anyone ever hear of Republicans for Obama? I have. It’s obvious Republicans are terrified of Hillary and will do almost anything to get Obama the nomination so McCain can wipe the floor with him.

Please don’t throw us into that briar patch, Republicans!

Wait, I thought that’s why Republicans were pushing for HILLARY (as in the “Please Nominate This Woman/Couple” National Review cover I saw at the library just this week)?

Yes, because rank-and-file Republicans are all monolithic zombies who only do what their evil overseers tell them.

There are a lot of registered Republicans and independents who are just plain tired of the modern gay-baiting, religion-drenched, anti-choice Republican party and are excited about Obama because he’s offering a change from the last 14 years of government-as-armed-camps.