ASk the Doper who remarried her husband

Yep, Ive been married twice to the same man, maybe this isn’t a very exciting sounding “Ask the” but what the hell. No questions are off limits, but I reserve the right to limit the answer.

Fire away!

How long were you divorced? Was a particular incident the immediate cause of the divorce? How was your relationship during your time apart? Did either of you pursue other relationships? Any serious ones?

Legally we were divorced for a little over two years. There was no one incident that caused the divorce, things had been tense for awhile & it got to the point where we fought all the time. A little over a moth after the divorce was final, we reconsiled, but didn’t remarry. I had a brief affair with an ex of mine while we were estranged. It had the potential to be seroius, but fizzled out. My husband did not have any relationships.

How far did the reconciliation go? Were you in an amorous relationship from that point on?

Do you have any children?

Yep, pretty much, the roda has been bumpy, but we’ve stayed together since then, & lived together for the majority of that time.

No, we don’t have kids, but we are currently trying to get pregnant.

So you got back together one month after the divorce? Didn’t you just slap your foreheads and go “fuck!”?

Sort of. :smack: :stuck_out_tongue: We were seperated all summer. We realized that the divorce, in some ways, was a good thing. We were only married 6 months the first time & we fought so much we were miserable.
The divorce taught us (well me, at least) that we couldn’t live without each other. We still can’t :slight_smile:

How has your relationship improved now that you’re back together? Have both of you realised mistakes you made in the way you communicated with each other that resulted in your fighting?
Did you have counselling before divorcing? If not, do you wish now that you had?
Where there any unexpected legal ramifications of remarrying the same person?
What do your families make of all this?

How expensive was the divorce? I got a deal on mine from the lawyer, who was a friend, but it was still a big chunk of change for us…I’d have been upset at spending the money! Did the separation not give you enough time to reconsider, or did it take the finality of the divorce?

Who asked for the divorce the first time? How long were you together before you got married the first time?

My mom married evil in the shape of a man when I was eleven. That marriage lasted seven years. She married it again a few years later (hard to say exactly when, since she didn’t tell us about it right away). They are divorced again now.

I’ve never been able to understand how they could divorce without really, really wanting to. Og knows it took a lot to push me to that point, which was well past no return.

I don’t mean to sound insulting; I hope it’s not coming across that way. The whole thing with Mom just boggles my mind, and I myself haven’t had many amicable breakups, so I can’t seem to grasp the idea. If it works out for you, great.

I’ve not got a question about the divorce, my question is about the first marriage.

I’ve never understood how marriages last less than a year. Unless the relationship is abusive, there is cheating, or there were already serious problems prior to the wedding, I just can not understand how two people who supposedly love each other can give up so quickly. Everyone always says how marriage changes everything and that it is completely different than “just living together”, but after I got married to BirdMan the only change went from people asking us when we are getting hitched to when we are having babies.

So I guess my question is: What went wrong, and why couldn’t it be fixed?

Ok so essentially, you split up for a couple of months so you can get laid by your x and then got back together.

Wow. Your husband is an idiot.

Missed the edit window. If I hadn’t I would have erased what I wrote. I’m sorry, just in a bad mood and my response had nothing to do with you and a lot to do with me. I’ll shut up and go away now.

Congrats by the way, I’m glad you guys made it work.

The thing I love about this sentence is that you could take out the quotation marks, and it would still make sense, but in a different way.

My aunt married Jimmy fresh out of reform school, divorced him when he got sent to jail, married Bill, divorced him, remarried Jimmy out of jail, divorced him again when he went back to jail, stayed single for a long time, then married Jimmy to take care of him as he was dying from alcoholism, then after he died remarried Bill and took care of him till he died.

I call it her full house of marriages – Bill twice, Jimmy three times. :rolleyes:

Add me to the list of folks who wonder why you divorced so quickly after getting married. Six months is barely enough time to get acquainted, let alone have things fall apart so thoroughly that you get divorced.

If you got divorced after only six months, how long did you know each other before getting married- fifteen minutes?

Not trying to be a jerk but that just boggles my mind.

How People Can Be Married For Less Than A Year & Get Divorced - A Tragic Play in One Act.

**Cast ** - Bob and Tamara, a couple who have been engaged for one year and married for two weeks.

Tamara: Have a nice day, I’m off to work. (Opens front door of apartment to leave.)

Bob: (Standing in hallway between bathroom and bedroom tying his tie.) Hey, call Paster Chris today and see if you can get our marriage annulled. I changed my mind.

Tamara: (Boggles.)

Cut to three months and much begging by Tamara later.

Bob: I’m leaving you. (Moves out.)

Cut to one week later.

Bob: I’m moving back in, I’m tired of being crazy. Let’s work this out. (*Subtext * - I’m broke and am planning to leave you for good in 5 months when our lease is up.)

Tamara: Yay! We can save our marriage! I’ll do anything you ask.

Cut to three months and much money spent by Tamara on Bob later.

Tamara: I am sick of finding all your pot and freaky porn while being ignored by you and paying all the bills. Find somewhere else to live.

Bob: I was going to anyway. Being married has shown me I should always be single so I can live my life the way I want to. Marriage is like dying.

Tamara: (Boggles.)

Exit Bob for good. The End.

To the OP, just curious how old both of you are.

Lotta boggling in here. :slight_smile:

You should have seen me, by the time the divorce was final I was boggling at the Olympic level.

Tamara to Bob: “You came over to talk about reconciling but now you admit you just want to have sex?” Boggle, boggle.

Tamara to Bob: “You’re filing for divorce **on the way to your uncle’s funeral ** to make sure I don’t get any of your inheritance because ours is a ‘common property’ state?” Again, I boggled.