Movies you'd have to be kind of an asshole not to like

(With thanks to the Scarecrow Video Movie Guide for the topic idea.)

So this rich white plastic surgery victim came in the other night, holding a copy of *Be Kind Rewind *with her fingertips, like it was crawling with earwigs, and wanted a refund because it was stupid. I kicked her in the cunt of course, but it set me thinking . . .

So here’s my list of Movies You’d Have to Be Kind of an Asshole Not to Like:

Be Kind Rewind
My Neighbor Totoro
Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion
Toy Story
My Giant
Galaxy Quest
Children of Heaven
Billy Elliott
Strictly Ballroom
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Rio Bravo
City Lights
Mrs. Miniver
Good Morning

. . . totally randomly stream of consciousnessed; neither rhyme nor reason in this list.

oh and

Stuart Saves His Family

Guess I’m a grade A asshole because I thought Wall-e was subpar. However, Toy Story (1 and 2) and Finding Nemo are fantastic movies.


This thread is not to draw out the “assholes,” to find out what movies you *don’t *like. It’s to find out what movies you feel the same about; the movies that you feel are universally enjoyable, and you just couldn’t conceive that anyone would dislike them.

The Iron Giant
Brian’s Song
Star Wars - the original one - I could see something thinking it overrated in retrospect (I do), but come on, if those opening bars of music don’t reduce you to a grinning 6 year old, you’re an asshole.

I may or may not be an asshole but I loved that movie. It flew under the radar and a lot of people understandably thought “SNL movie? It must suck.” But it had a great cast and a good story. Vincent D’Onofrio and Harris Yulin were awesome.

Spirited Away
The Incredibles
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Edward Scissorhands
The Upside of Anger
The Big Lebowski
West Side Story
The Thin Blue Line

Forrest Gump.

Are you kidding me? There’s so much to dislike about that movie.

The Great Dictator
Evil Dead
Army of Darkness

I see what you did there, Argent Towers :stuck_out_tongue:

gee, I guess I’m a bigger asshole than I thought. Of the OP’s list, there’s only two that I actively, seriously like, vs. finding merely pleasant. (Toy story and Galaxy Quest, which is nothing less than brilliant.)

Howl’s Moving Castle. And I second Spirited Away. Both truly magical animated movies.

You’d have to be an asshole not to like ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ surely?


Well I am cheating there. Four of us were doing overtime recently and someone came up with a stupid idea how to do what we were doing and I said, “That’s a great plan, Walter. That’s fuckin’ ingenious, if I understand it correctly. It’s a Swiss fuckin’ watch,” and two of the others laughed. Someone said, "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!’

Our boss looked puzzled so we regaled him with some of the glories of The Great Lebowski, which he hadn’t seen, and one of the guys assured him he would love it. I said that you can’t be sure because I had friends that didn’t like it. Mark said, “I’m sure you know people that don’t like it but surely they aren’t friends?”

•Arguably Dumbo (The crows are kind of a sticking point…somehwat balanced out by the song “Baby Mine,” which I’ve heard claimed as a soul detector)
A Charlie Brown Christmas.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

Just…too…cool. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Off topic, but did she really expect a refund for a movie she disliked? It’s not like you or your company MADE the f’kin thing. Or am I missing the part where she was forced at gunpoint to rent it?

Anyrate, you’d have to be kind of an asshole to not like

Shaun of the Dead
Back To The Future

I’m not sure if it would by force of necessity make anyone an asshole if he or she did not like Pulp Fiction, but it would certainly remove any ground for friendship or even an interesting conversation.

The Princess Bride