This. Word.

As an answer to a post. What’s it all about then?

That the responder is in emphatic agreement with what he or she has just quoted or posted directly below.

And is also unpardonably lazy.

This. Word.


I think my head just asploded.

“I agree completely with everything in this post, which I will indicate by quoting all 12 paragraphs of it and adding only a single word of my own, offering no further opinion.”


Me too!

ditto, tritto and quaditto!


Is that all of them? This thread is making my eye twitch.

  • backs out of thread slowly, so as not to alert resident lunatics * :smiley:

no u

Guilty. But only when the poster has covered everything I was going to say and I couldn’t say it better if I tried.

Then why not say that? Put some effort into your agreement, ferchrissakes!

What she said.

I geddit!

OK, got it for “This” but what about “Word”?

Same-- as in “The Word”- or, to put in another way, what was just posted is “truth”. Or, another interpretation is that what was said should be requoted word-for-word.

Shit, boy, that predates the internet by several years.