Fuck your 'Lifetime' warranty in the ass with a barbed phallus. (Longish)

My elderly grandmother recently moved in with me, and I am fairly well responsible for 90% of her care. This has produced lots of unique challenges in my life, but the current one is just bullshit with icing on top.

For the last decade or so, because of congestive issues and other such stuff, she has slept in a recliner, and not a bed. If she lays flat, she cannot breathe. If she sits normally, edema builds up in her legs, badly.

Less than one year ago, seven months to be closer, she purchased a chair to the tune of about a thousand dollars from a furniture store where she lived in Connecticut. The chair that she purchased was specially designated for ‘medical’ lift chair use, and it was not cheap. One month ago, she moved to Vermont to live with me.

Shortly after that, the chair broke. The metal ‘arms’ that control the lift parts of the chair came off the welding, and need to be fixed. This was nearly a month ago. My mother immediately called the company that sold her the chair, because it was under warranty. Certain parts were guaranteed for 1 year, others 2 years, and other parts of the chair for life. The metal lift parts were guaranteed for life. We got the name and serial number of the chair, and the person we spoke to was supposed to call us back with the name of a place that services that make of chair in our area.

Three weeks later, they have nothing. We have emailed and called repeatedly. Each time they assure us they will rectify the problem. The last few days, the chair has ceased to work at all, the motor now completely blown from the overuse necessary to get the chair to recline at all with the broken arm.

My grandmother’s health is at stake. She is becoming ill because of all the edema buildup in her body. She is having trouble breathing. We are already in the process of taking care of her medically due to the move (which was on short notice for emergent reasons), and nobody seems to give a flying monkey fuck that she might die if she cannot get her chair fixed.

We were given the names of half a dozen furniture stores that have not carried or serviced her brand of chair for YEARS. Could it kill them to keep UPDATED FUCKING RECORDS? My mom spent all day on the phone crying in frustration and upset because her mother is ill and there’s nothing we can do except call these people over and over.

Finally, I went online and told my mom to let me search for the company. Within five minutes I had a phone number and contact at the company for customer service. After about 12 phone calls it was clear that there was no longer anyone in any kind of feasible range for us to get the chair fixed. No one fixes those chairs anymore. And it is less than a fucking year old. Everyone says ‘Oh, we stopped carrying /servicing those years ago’. The only reason I can come up with that everyone on the fucking planet stopped servicing these chairs is that they are rotten pieces of shit that constantly break down. Why else would nobody offer any service on them anymore? If even the fucking manufacturer of these pieces of shit can’t find someone to fix it, then it’s a grade-A super-failure fucking piece of steaming yak excrement. The least you could have done was call your customers that had bought that specific chair in the last year or so and tell them no one was fixing the goddamn chairs anymore so she could have traded it in for something that wasn’t a total piece of shit before they were simply fucked.

We have to buy a new chair. We’re going out at 8AM tomorrow to the closest store and bringing one home, because my poor grandmother’s legs are ballooning up and we don’t want her to die. She is already on blood thinners and diuretics and there’s nothing more any doctor can/will do for her. Buying this chair means that I am going to have to pull an extra 400$ out of my ass this month that I was not planning on. I can do it, but it is going to take some creative budgeting. Money is very very tight for us right now.

All because nobody will fix this fucking chair. Even if they could find someone to fix it, they were talking about possible weeks and/or months of waiting time, finding the parts, ordering the parts, and locating someone to come out and fix it. What happens when your customer’s HEALTH relies on the service of your fucking equipment, you fuckholes?

If they had just told us weeks ago that sorry, no one services these chairs anymore, at least we could have bought one before it started impacting her health. No, they had to dick us around for almost a month.

Fuck you and your customer service department. I’m sure it was annoying having to deal with us, but my mother was begging you to please help us find someone to fix the chair, for three weeks. She sees her mother suffering, and it kills her. And it kills me, too, because I have to watch it all happen, too.

My life is hard enough as it is, right now. I am surviving on two hours of sleep every day or two, because I spend all day long taking care of my grandmother, and I work all night. I am 26 years old with plenty of my own health issues, and I have no life or time to myself, but I am doing it because I love her and I want her last years on this earth to be as easy on her as possible. She wiped my ass more times than I can count when I was growing up, and she and her husband that recently died were the best grandparents I could ever have wished for. She deserves better than this.

All I can say is fuck you. I’m so tired and upset, I cannot even come up with more creative language.

It’s a complicated situation so if any clarification is needed feel free to ask. But since this is the pit, I figured it was good enough. And I’m tired. If there are any grammar/spelling mistakes, fuck me. Yesterday was my one day of the week to catch up on sleep, and my body was so used to being awake that it was physically impossible for me to sleep for a period longer than 30 minutes.

I’d like to hire a football team for a round of professional cunt-kicking.

I know bitching won’t help, but it sure as hell makes me feel better, so I thank the SDMB for that.

Why not trying to a find a welder in your area?

A good welder can fix pretty much anything that needs welding. The’re usually not really picky about what it is. If I lived by you I would do it in a heartbeat. I think most people would.

Anyway, sorry about your troubles.

This is true, my hubby fixes things all the time by welding them, but

Looks like she needs more than welding. :frowning:

If it were just the welding, that might work, and I hadn’t thought of it, so thanks for the tip.

We need a new motor now, though, too… and I’m not sure what to do about that part. None of us here are very mechanically-minded.

EDIT: NinetyWt replied before I hit ‘post’, but that was directed at Omegaman. I wish I had thought of finding a welder at the first sign of trouble, but it stupidly didn’t dawn on me. :frowning:

I see no reason not to send your entire OP to the manufacturer, as is. It’s absolutely true that if they had been honest with you from the start you wouldn’t be in this situation.

I’m surprised your grandmother’s doctor can’t do anything more. You might want to see if her hospital has some sort of home-help service. A few years ago, I had an operation and it seemed for a while that I might not be able to walk properly again. The hospital offered to make my home wheelchair accessible, with railings and bars on the shower and that kind of thing. (Luckily I recovered and didn’t need the service after all.) It seems like something like a hospital bed would be covered by that same type of service - and her insurance, if her doctor authorizes it.

Similar to what Agonist had to say, is there any way that Medicare can cover such an expense? IANAD, but it certainly seems like an important and medically necessary expense for your grandmother’s safety and comfort.

Biggest problem is she just moved, and we’re in the midst of getting all her medical crap sorted out.

They’re taking ages to send her her insurance cards and things for the new insurance we got her signed up for, and most places refuse to take her insurance without the cards themselves (for good reason, I suppose). She ran out of her tamoxifen for her cancer, and her old doctor refused to call in a refill for her (because he was ‘no longer her doctor’) even though we didn’t have a new doctor to write her a script refill up here, yet. I’ll admit that some things during the move were handled haphazardly, but it was an emergency move and my mother did not have a lot of time. My mom already paid for her refills once out of pocket in the interim.

We’ve had two people come to the house for evaluations and trying to get her supplemental programs for help, but any extra assistance has her on an 18 month waiting list right now.

The other problem is that my mother technically has control of all the information and all her finances, I’m just the one caring for her on a daily basis, so I’m limited in what I can actually do.

Insurance will subsidize some things, but we would need to pay for it first, then get reimbursed, and we’d have to get the doctors to sign off on the need, all of which takes time. It’s possible, but a pain in the ass. I’m sure that’s what we’ll try to do, but in the meantime, it sucks for my poor grandmother.

Yeah, we’re trying to get things sorted out, but the fact that she just moved is complicating things. Plus the fact that we all work crazy hours and my mom just started her job. We’ve been constantly on the phone with various people all week.

We did sign her up with a doctor but she hadn’t had her first visit yet, because they wouldn’t accept her insurance without the physical card, and we had to keep waiting for the card to come in the mail… so it’s a damn waiting game and it sucks.

This is so much a television station intervention consumer case. Contact a local station that helps people with this stuff. Companies often get cooperative when they know their shittyness is going on television.

I don’t get it. How can they state they don’t service them anymore if you have a lifetime warranty?

The company that manufactures the chairs offers the warranty. They don’t service them themselves. They pay other people to service the chairs. Apparently all the locations in our area that service the chairs have dropped these chairs from their repair services. That’s my understanding at the moment.

Might be worth a shot.

This is the manufacturers problem and they need to fix it. Saying nobody will do it means the manufacturer won’t pay them sufficently to consider it worthwhile work.

We’re still arguing with them about it, but in the meanwhile my grandmother is becoming ill. She can’t sit around and wait for them to come around and honor their agreement, or take another three weeks to find someone to actually fix the thing. We’re trying to get some kind of compensation if not full repair, but in the meantime we can’t live without getting her another chair. If they’re digging in their heels and we need to get a lawyer or something else along that line… it’s going to take time we just don’t have.

We’ve called half a dozen places ourselves to ask if they service those chairs, and every single one of them has repeated the same exact thing. “Oh… THOSE chairs. No, we don’t service them. Not for years, now. Sorry.”

We have some more phone calls to make in the morning.

I’m really sorry to hear about your Grandmother and the difficulties you’re all going through, Leah M. I know from working in retail how much trouble it can be trying to get manufacturers to honour their warranties in a way that doesn’t involve boxing the item up and sending it to Newcastle for someone to fiddle with for a month.

A thought does occur though: Have you thought of contacting one of the places that no longer services the chairs, and asking if there’s anyone working there who has the knowledge and technical ability to fix the chair and could be persuaded to do so if you paid them up front? Presumably there will be at least one old-timer there who remembers how to work on the chairs and would like to help.

Then you could send the bill to the chair manufacturer and demand payment, and if they didn’t reimburse you I’d be on the blower to whatever your local equivalent of 60 Minutes or A Current Affair is. The negative PR would probably do wonders for speeding up the process…

I’m sorry this is happening to your grandma. When the dust has settled, maybe write to AARP and Consumer Reports and tell them about your experience. I see lift chairs advertised on TV all the time – maybe not the one your grandma got – but there’s probably not much difference. People need to be warned.

I saw on one website that Medicare doesn’t pay for the chairs anymore. That might be a sign that none of the chairs are reliable.

Where did you buy it? Why not contact them? Or a small claims suit and at least get back the $1000.

Good to know about the Medicare thing, thanks for the heads-up with that. Someone else I talked to (IRL) suggested we write something to the BBB about it also. Don’t know how effective that would be, but I suppose it couldn’t hurt.

That’s who we contacted first. They’re the ones that have been giving us tons of names of outdated places that used to service their stuff years ago, but no longer do. :frowning:

By the grace of … well. Some being that seems like it / he / she / whatever is looking out for us, we FINALLY got through to a private repairperson who will fix the chair and work with us and the company. And they’re going to cover the costs, 100%. Why they so suddenly changed their tune, I’m not sure, but I certainly will not look a gift horse in its proverbial mouth. My mom is exhausted, but our work in making all these calls FINALLY paid off. I’m really really relieved right now.

Especially since we were going to go out at 8AM this morning and purchase a new chair. That’s a lot of money we’ll be able to save.

We managed to get a secondhand recliner at no cost for her to use in the meantime. It’s not electric and she needs help getting up and down, but it’s SO much better for her than just sitting with her legs hanging down.

So thanks for all the helpful advice, everyone. In case it happens again, I’ll at least have some options in mind. Or if they try to welch out on the repair.

I’m just amused that I pit-spazz about it only after nearly a month of headaches, and that’s the same day it all turns out all right.

You should definitely send your story to The Consumerist. They specialize in exposing consumer frauds and crappy products such as this, and the ordeals people have to go through to get help from companies. Most of their articles are based on letters sent in by readers. I think they would be very interested in your story!!

I am horrified by your story!

I’m so glad you are finally getting the chair fixed.