Sarah Palin - Religious Conservative Wacko

Or so said most of the people on this board. When I pointed out that she had actually governed as a social moderate and kept her fundy beliefs out of politics, I was roundly shouted down on this board. I said she was more of a libertarian than someone who wanted government in everyone’s bedroom.

Well, what say you now?

Governor Palin Picks Planned Parenthood Board Member for Alaska Supreme Court

Yep. Social Conservatives are outraged. But I’m not surprised.

Gosh, have you always been so wise, Sam?

<pat Sam on the back>
<\pat Sam on the back>

According to the article,

My sig is particularly relevant here.


Palin in 2024!

I say, categorically, objectively, and without qualification, that Sarah Palin is a religious conservative wacko. I say this because she has gone on record as advocating a place for Creationism in state school science curricula; because she has gone on record as stating that soldiers fighting in Iraq are carrying out “…a task that is from God”; because she is a signatory of the Christian Heritage Week proclaimation, a document propagated with the unspoken aim of undermining the separation of Church and State; because she opposes gay rights, stem cell research, and has expressed strong support for abstinence-only sex education; and because she frequently invokes God when making policy statements.

Since you brought it up, her record on abortion is extremely conservative. She has gone on record as opposing abortion in all cases except when the life of the mother is in imminent danger. She has personally supported bills to outlaw late term abortions and to require parental consent for underage abortions in Alaska. She thinks Roe vs. Wade should be overturned. Her opposition to stem cell research is informed by her pro-life perspective.

That she has appointed a more moderate judge to the Alaska supreme court is a welcome sign that her views may be mellowing. However, it is disingenuous in the extreme to argue her detractors are mistaken about either her religiosity or her staunch social conservatism in light of the statements she’s made, the bills she’s supported, and the policy positions she’s advocated.

I never really thought of Palin as a religious conservative whacko. I always saw her more as a secular conservative whacko.

I’m 1/4 Alaskan Inuit.

Kind of weird to think a republican lying (again I repeat myself) traitorous bitch like her is governor of an ancestral home.

Oh and she’s a hypocrite too. She claims to be all religious yet she’s a Republican. Would Jesus approve of torture? Republicans do. Including innocent Canadians. They’ll run their slimy mouths and say what ever lies get trick knuckle dragging morons into voting for them.
A Republican is either a traitor, or a fool.

Hooray for reasoned points, I guess.

On behalf of the entire board, let me apologize for all those hurt feelings from being shouted down that you suffered at the hands of the unnamed, uncited masses who so hurt your feelings and who had the audicity to disagree with you. Might I suggest that you, Bricker, Shodan, Scylla and all the others subjected to such atrocities form a support group where you can keep track of all those horrible people, and constantly start threads about them?

Yeah, we do, in the same sense that Democrats hate America, want to turn all school children gay, and encourage them to have sex in the 1st grade.
Stupid comments like that, make you a stupid person. Show a little intellectual discipline, for chrissake.

What are you bitching about ? She’s the bitch for one of your own.

[url=]55% of Republicans believe there are cases in which the U.S. should consider using torture against terrorism suspects
. Your turn!

“I’m rubber and you’re glue” would be way too juvenile for me; instead, I’ll repeat: your turn!

Well, sure, but only with each other! Not like we’re perverts, or anything!

Darn it, I must have missed the announcement of the charity auction of those $150,000 clothes. As promised by McCain.

When did it happen?

How can I be a racist when I gave that colored fellow a 20% tip back in '87?

She was picking from a pool of 2 candidates? Well, that settles it then.

Did I miss the memo that said that Libertarians were in favor of taxing the oil companies so she could “spread the wealth” by sending checks to all Alaska residents? Because, as I understand it, most Libertarians don’t think like that.

I say that as Left Hand of Dorkness showed, you are just showing the typical time line avoidance syndrome[sup]TM[/sup] that I see on many conservatives.

Leave us out of this. She’s your nutter, not ours.

And, according to this article, the other guy was more liberal.

You’ve really proved nothing at all, Sam Stone.