Is Bill Cosby's "Leonard Part 6" as batsh*t insane as the description makes it sound?

It sounds utterly insane. It says it’s a cult fave now. Is it so bad it’s good, or is it just bad?

Synopsis [spoiler]


… no, it was just bad.

As bad as Ghost Dad?

I even hated it as a kid, and I didn’t hate any movies as a kid.

Based on this review, I would say yes.

Not having seen “Ghost Dad,” but having gone to see “Leonard, Part 6” in the theaters, I must say that LP6 is worse. This is from a standpoint of an absolute scale of movie badness, whereby LP6 is one of the classic benchmarks of “bad moviedom.”

I liked it. And I don’t think I’ve ever liked anything else Bill Cosby has done—I positively hated the ‘Cosby Show’ when I was growing up. Of course, I was in High school when I saw LP6, and I remember little about it, other than that I (and the friend who watched it with me) both laughed quite a bit at it.

Let me put it this way. There’s a reason why Bill Cosby wasn’t a major box office draw. The dude make shitty movies.[sup]1[/sup]

[1] Except Bill Cosby - Himself.

I liked Leonard Part 6. It’s surreal.

I seem to recall an ostrich riding scene.

Didn’t Bill Cosby himself, on some talk show, say that people should not go and watch the movie?

I saw this years ago. It’s terrible, but I remember being entertained by it. The premise is so hard to swallow and it’s insanely cheesy. And yet it feels like it had a budget, making it all the more tragic.

Yes he did. He also bought the rights to it to keep it off television, and accepted his Golden Raspberry Award in person.

First let me say I’m a tremendous fan of Cosby’s stand up albums. Fat Albert’s Car is one of the all time great routines.

As to LP6…

Awful. Lousy. Stinky. Terrifying in it’s badness. An abomination of the screen. Theaters that showed it had to be burned, the ground on which they stood covered with salt and the projectionist’s eyes removed by surgeons so they wouldn’t claw them out on their own.

It was a waste of a good $3.00.

…I love this movie. It’s BIZARRE but oddly amusing.

I love the scene where his manservant is removing the bullets from his arm.

I tracked down a VHS copy of it 6 or so years ago. I found it at a used record store in the dollar bin… It had never been opened.

It has the most brilliantly funny assassination in movie history.

Going from memory…person is on a stakeout in a car at the waterfront docks. In his car mirrors he sees a frog hopping toward him and hops under the car. Then another frog. Then another. Soon a whole colony of frogs is hopping across the pavement and under his car.

Then, in unison, they all hop at once, lifting up his car and hopping the whole car down the dock and into the river.

Makes sense to me. The French make great assassins.

I saw it as a child - the OP’s description doesn’t sound familiar. The only thing I remember is Cosby’s wife (ex?) pouring food all over him while he just sat there. This went on for like 40 minutes. It was almost fetishistic. Did I misremember this?

that’s in there. i believe it is a “we’re seprated but I’d like to work things out with you dinner” that the wife has made. he is late and she seethingly and silently proceeds to pour the meal all over him. it is replayed later at the end of the movie after they have made up and the food play is meant to be romantic… so yeah fetishistic.

Hmm, I thought I saw it on the cable listings recently. Not that I wanted to see it, though.