Newsmax blogger John Perry dreams of military coup against Obama

From this week’s Democratic Underground “Top 10 Conservative Idiots”:

And we have always been at war with Eurasia.

It’s going to be a long 3.5/7.5 years, isn’t it?

I’m kind of grateful the ANC and HIV have effectively declawed the South African military so the threat of coup is at least a laughable concept here.

The point is that Newsmax did take it down, and they took it down because it was too extreme, or could have been viewed as such… That’s exactly what I would expect them to do. Yes, there are extreme conservatives out there. So what else is new? They in no way, shape or form represent mainstream right-wing thinking.

We’d probably want to call the new military-trained leader something other than “President”, though. “Generalissimo” has a nice ring to it.

I wonder if we could send some of those skilled, military-trained nation builders to Iraq or Afghanistan. I bet they would come in handy there!

Just add blood to make it a real coup.
Or does Jesus disarm all us Liberals in Perry’s fantasy, because that’s the only way I can see people not getting shot.

Salon’s story on the taking down of the column.

I like this part of Newsmax’s response"

Except for when we do.

They took it down because it was getting the wrong attention. Something ‘too extreme’ should have been stopped from being posted. That’s what editors are for. As no editor stopped it, I have to assume they kind of didn’t see the issue with it.

“. . .mainstream right-wing. . .”

Am I the only one who sees a problem with those words being together like that?

Just more eliminationism . . .

So you’re saying that these extreme people are not true conservatives?

No, he’s saying they’re not mainstream conservatives.

Checking out the columnist’s bio, I see he used to be a Democrat working for LBJ. Distinguished journalism career. International assignments, degrees from first rate academic institutions. Surely this well traveled, well educated man knows the difference between Obama’s policies and real Marxism. He’s spent time in Europe. He has to know that their status quo is well to the left of anything Obama’s advocating.

Maybe senility is an issue. Dude appears to be out of his fucking mind.

I’m glad we’ve identified yet another conservative commentator who is not representative of conservatives. I wonder if we’ll ever find one who is.

I wonder if any of these folks are representative of conservatives:

Chrissakes. In light of all those quotes … what exactly is the big fucking deal about what Alan Grayson (D-FL) said?

So who is? I keep hearing RWs protest that W and John McCain are not real conservatives at all. If the likes of John Perry are also out, what segment of the right side of the spectrum does that leave as “mainstream”?

Obviously, Newsmax pulled the article because this guy used to be/still could be a member of the Democrat Party. Do we need any more evidence that he’s mentally disturbed?

Democrats are normally civil.

Impolite remarks by Republicans on the House floor are just dirt against an already dark background.