We’re Legally, Uh, Whatever’d Now!

As some of you may know, Nevada’s Domestic Partnership law took effect as of October 1st so, after 28 ½ years, my SO and I took the plunge yesterday, signed the documents, got them notarized and filed them with the Secretary of State.
It was not exactly a traditional ceremony – no rice throwing, no smiling picture in front of a faux Welcome To Las Vegas sign, and not a single Elvis to be seen. To be honest, it was a frumpy state employee who took the paperwork and slapped it into a wire bin and told us the certificate would arrive by mail in a week or so.
In essence, this makes us “legal” in the sense that what I have is his, and what he has is mine – which essentially is diddle squat, but that diddle squat is now “ours”. We also now have the right to visit each other in the hospital (which, through first-hand knowledge, most hospitals have been very kind in this regards despite current laws on the books). There are actually quite a few additional rights that come along with this document that make it worth the $50 registration fee.
We went out to a nice dinner afterwards – well, an upscale buffet, but hey – it is Vegas.
I mentioned how it was now time for him to give me my dowry – I was expecting at least a couple of goats or a few bags of Knockwurst – but was greeted with stony silence for that suggestion.
At any rate, we are now legally whatevers.
We are registered at Tiffany’s, the Mercedes showroom and Walmart.

Congrats, you poor bastard.

The way I look at it, if us heterosexuals have to suffer through marriage, then by Og, so do you.

A former acquaintance of mine once referred to the marriage certificate as a “State-Certified F***ing License.” Please feel free to read all the innuendo into it that I did. (grin)

Seriously, congrats to you and B. We’ll raise a glass to you two tonight.

Well, it’s about damn time. Congratulations!!

I got hitched in Vegas, too. Congrats and best wishes for the next 28+ years.

You’re married. No weasel words, it’s marriage. And congratulations.

Since people from po-dunk towns and metropolises across the country go to Vegas to get married, shouldn’t you have returned the favor by going to some obscure little hamlet to get hitched? :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, congratulations.

Congrats DMark, glad you guys are official after all these years.

Bummer about the goats, better luck on the Mercedes :smiley:

:: goat noises ::

Congrats! :slight_smile:

:: goat noises ::

Congrats! About time he made an honest man of you. And vice versa.



Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congratulations on your marriage!

Great, now that you’re hitched, marriage is all ruined for us heteros.
Just kidding, congrats.


May this have been the least happy day of your marriage. :slight_smile:

Congrats. My partner and I did the same here in ca earlier this year.

I’m very happy for you. When I saw “28+ years” it sorta brought a tear to my eye. How many people, of whatever persuasion, can attest to that length of a commitment? Congratulations to you and DMark SO.

That’s great! Congratulations to both of you. I agree 28 1/2 years is impressive.

Congratulations! Here’s hoping your next 28 1/2 years make the first 28 1/2 look like a pile of poo.

(A wonderful and cherished pile of poo, but still.)