American cheese

Kraft Deli Deluxe American Cheese is a ‘Pasturized process cheese’. By legal definition, it is 100% cheese.

Kraft Singles is a ‘Pasteurized process cheese product’. By legal definition, it contains less than 51% cheese and may not be sold as ‘cheese’.

Just sayin’.

Singles start out as a liquid goo that is splorked onto plastic and allowed to gel. I won’t eat them.

Nor will I. But I’ll gladly make grilled cheese sandwiches or cheeseburgers with Deli Deluxe.

‘Splork’ is a good word.

You’ll never convince some people that American cheese is real cheese.

Kraft singles have their place. Jus’ sayin’.

All cheese starts out as liquid goo.

That said, give me some sharp Vermont cheddar.

Tell me about it. We’ve had several Threads about this in the past and several posts into the Thread after it has been repeatedly emphasized that “American Cheese” is not interchangeable with “Kraft Singles”, there are still people posting “Eeew! American Cheese is NOT cheese that Kraft Singles shit is disgusting!”

Growing up we always bought American Cheese sliced fresh at the deli- Philadelphia area, this was always White American Cheese.

I live in California now. Anytime I go home to visit Philadelphia my mother knows to have deli sliced White American Cheese and fresh deli sliced rye bread waiting for me.

American cheese is real cheese. At its best, it has absolutely no flavor. Its popularity is the prime evidence that Americans fear flavors.

I’m not one of them. American used to be just cheddar, then was a mixture with colby, if I’m not misremembering (too much wine with the beef Wellington this evening).

Forget Kraft processed vaguely-similar-to-cheese ‘food’ product. There IS auxh a thing as American cheese – it’s a cream-colored cheese in several degrees of sharpness, depending on aging, that is a fairly tasty ‘vanilla’ cheese (not meaning vanilla-flavored, but the neutral state indicated by ‘vanilla’ as a generic adjective). There were cheesemakers among my collateral ancestors in Upstate New York who produced a mellow flavorful dairy-milk cheese.

Sliced prepared processed cheese food, of whatever brand, is useful only for fixing quick kids’ meals, where bland and nutritious are the hallmarks. (Note I said ‘quick’ – I’m not talking about someone’s dinner, but the sort of thing where you need to ensure kid X eats a decent meal in the 45 minutes before he has to be at the soccer field, etc.)

Ha! :stuck_out_tongue:


It also has a nice meltability so suitable for things like the grilled cheese sandwich or cheeseburger when you like the cheeses in your fridge to not be individually wrapped in plastic sheets. Deli American is a staple in my cheese drawer. (I’m a vegetarian, I have a cheese drawer where most people keep meat.)

American Cheese would be a good title for a sitcom

In the bit you snipped Polycarp did agree that American Cheese exists and made a point of distinguishing it from and contrasting it to “Kraft processed vaguely-similar-to-cheese ‘food’ product”.

(Underlined Text indicates an altering of the original post from which the Quote was taken. Change made only to correct a typo: assuming “auxh” is a typo for “such”.)

The recently dead American cheese thread that lasted way too long for the topic.

I’m not a veg, but I also keep mostly cheese in my ‘meat’ drawer. Deli American can usually be found there with about 3-5 other types of cheese.

American cheese most definitely has it own unique flavor and uses.

Land O Lakes white American cheese, fresh sliced at the deli. No more than a weeks worth. Makes the finest grilled cheese sandwiches ever. Kraft singles have an off taste that grilling makes even worse.

If I’m understanding correctly, you guys are saying that American cheese is not Kraft Singles - it seems like if I order something in a restaurant that says it has American cheese on it*, I’ll get something with Kraft Singles on it, though. I’m confused.

*Not likely - I hate it when people put that stuff on food instead of real cheese.

I think you are correct on both points. In my experience, when you get “American Cheese” in a restaurant, you’re actually getting “Kraft Singles” (or some other similar version). In common parlance, the two are used interchangeably, but technically, they are different foods.

In my opinion, American cheese has hardly any taste, other than the salt. It seems to be saltier to me than similar cheeses, but maybe that’s just because it’s just so mild that that’s all you taste.

However, I can’t say that Kraft Singles have much taste, either.