Valentine Exchange - the 2010 Edition!

Yes, it’s that time again! (Thanks to twickster and Ellen Cherry for their quick responses to my request for an OK, by the way.)

For those of you who haven’t played before: it’s what we used to do in elementary school, only with postage and better cards. In other (mostly BrattiAtti’s) words, we exchange real Valentine’s Day cards with other participating members and get a flood of fun mail instead of the usual ads and bills.

For your reference, here are the last two Valentine’s Day threads; I’m stealing from both of them: 2009, 2008.

[li]If you are a current member of the boards AND if you are at least eighteen years of age at this moment, you may participate.[/li][li]To participate, you must send the following information to[/li][list=*]Real life name (optional for those who don’t care if mail is addressed to their board name)
[li]SDMB user name[/li][li]Mailing address[/li][li]Number of valentines you can mail.[/li][li]U.S. and Canadian members: indicate whether you’re willing to mail outside the U.S. and Canada.[/ol][/li][li]Send your e-mail by 11:59pm Eastern time on Sunday, January 31st.[/li][li]Optional e-card clause: I will make one list of email addresses from those of you who give permission to share that information with the rest of the group. Participation in the e-card exchange is not compulsory; however, if you put your email on the list, it would be nice if you sent out e-cards, too. Because this part is strictly voluntary, there are no quantity requests permitted for e-cards. Emailed cards are NOT to replace your assigned in-real-life cards. There will be no exceptions to this rule.[/li][li]Gender specifications/requests and other limiting requests (other than number to be sent) are not permitted and will not be honored. So, there! :p[/li][li]I’ll slice and dice information and distribute it no later than Saturday morning, February 6 (it is a pain in the patootie to do this, and takes much longer than I estimate, so I’m giving myself what I hope is lots of time; feel free to ask if I’m working on this during the week of the 1st.)[/li][/LIST]As far as the mailed cards go, it’s up to you what to send. Store bought cards are okay; homemade cards are fine, too. If you want to go wild and crazy with the glitter, go for it. Candy and silly toys are often appreciated. This is all about having a good time. It’s fun receiving the flood of mail, and it’s really fun to see what other dopers came up with. Don’t feel pressure to be creative, though; the most important thing is to send something.

If you live outside the US, please don’t hesitate to sign up. This is open to everyone, geographically speaking.

Let the fun begin!

I’m in. Course, I’m also doing the 2010 Postcard Exchange if people want to just get lots and lots of mail :slight_smile:

I’m in :slight_smile:

I’ll be sending an email as soon as this is posted. Thanks for doing this gardentraveler!

Just so everyone knows, per the registration agreement, we do not require prior approval for non-commercial gift exchanges, like Secret Santa or a Valentine exchange. It was very courteous of you to ask, but not necessary!

Let the love flow!

I’m in too… this is my favorite of all the exchanges

I know! Mine too.

Thanks to those who have responded so far. Please remember to let me know if you’re in on the e-card exchange, too.


[quote=“gardentraveler, post:1, topic:525435”]

[li]Gender specifications/requests and other limiting requests (other than number to be sent) are not permitted and will not be honored. So, there! :p[/li][/QUOTE]

Wait, so it’s possible to give a card to the same sex or receive a card from the same sex? Ewwww. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shocking, I know. :smiley:

Hey, no cards with Joy Buzzers!! :smiley:

I’m in! :slight_smile:

Bumpety bump. Thanks to those who have sent e-mails.

Deadline for signing up is January 31st.

I’m in. Details will be emailed!

I’m in! Thanks, gardentraveler!

Ok, count me in. I think I missed a year or two. And don’t be surprised if you don’t get your cards until June but I’ll try my best. :smiley:

I’m in!

Hi everyone! Thanks for playing. We’ve got 14 people in the exchange so far (several haven’t posted in the thread), but there’s room for lots more.


Me too!

Yay! I’ve come up with an easier way to manage the info, so I’m thinking I might be able to get lists out as early as February 1. This will make it easier for cards that are crossing borders to get to their destinations on time.

Thanks to everyone for responding to my follow-up e-mails. I’m really looking forward to the exchange!


Just a bump in case some have missed this.

Need your information by Sunday night.

It’s going to be fun!