What kind of extrovert/introvert are you?

I find the binary choices (in say the MBTI) to be a bit limiting and simplifying, so I’ve devised a slightly more descriptive schema, describing not only how you interact with others, but also your motivations in this area-overall desire for said interactions. This is a four-point survey, so bear with me.

On the first axis (signifier), we are measuring how you come across to and interact with others-do you tend to be assertive and forthright with everything out in the open, or do you tend to hold back, acting in a reserved manner. On the 2nd axis, we are measuring what you really want from interactions with other people-do you crave attention, human interaction, and companionship to a very large degree, or are you perfectly happy being by yourself most of the time. So here we go:

Extroverted Extrovert: You not only are completely open and outgoing with other people, but you also are almost constantly seeking interpersonal interactions whenever possible. What most people think of when using the word extrovert.

Introverted Extrovert: Here’s where the nuance comes into play. You could probably be described as “shy”, but despite that (or perhaps because of it) you secretly wish you were one of those “life of the party” types. You often go to many social engagements (or wish you did go to more than you do), but usually let someone else lead the proceedings while you hang back and just “peoplewatch” or such.

Extroverted Introvert: The exact opposite of the preceding. You have no qualms about engaging other people when necessary, being as bold and as forthright as you need to be, but have no inherent desire to be a social butterfly and are perfectly happy being alone most of the time. For example you’d have a fine and engaging conversation with a seatmate aboard an airliner, or crack a few jokes to the checkout girl, but don’t as a rule seek out such interactions.

Introverted Introvert: You can probably guess this one by now: not only are you a bit shy with other people, you also aren’t much interested in seeking out now parties and new civilizations, and can have a perfectly fine time entertaining yourself.

Me, I am an EI: I was an II for most of my childhood, only coming out of my shell in my early 20’s. But even after that I still had little desire to socialize (always did my own thing then and now), so if you were to put percentages on me [optional], I’d say 70-30 on the first axis, but 15-85 on the second.

I’m just curious to see how it all falls in around here (with all the INTJ’s we have). I was about to post this last week, but then noticed someone had posted the “Are You Shy” poll, so I didn’t want to steal someone else’s thunder. As usual I provided a “bailout” option.

Poll is private so as to not skew the results away from the more “I” types here, tho of course you are free to give details about yourself in the body of the thread.

I used to think of myself as introverted–I’m sort of a social dweeb and nerd and by all right should be an introvert, but I like dealing with people and people are terribly interesting so I chose EE. I’m a social animal and can’t help it.

Yup, I’m an INTJ too. I chose extroverted introvert because I’m not shy or retiring and talk with whomever, wherever, but I do need to recharge by being alone and have no problem being alone. I do mostly like people, but I don’t seek them out too much.

Definitely extroverted introvert. I have often deliberately chosen social side-jobs such as waitressing or bartending because I do well when pushed to be social. I just don’t choose it on my own very often. And DEFINITELY need lots of alone-time; I remember one year setting up a houseparty with my roommates, then leaving it after about an hour and a half cause I just wasn’t in the mood anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:
And a few years ago, I was at a gathering of folk and really, truly enjoying myself, had been looking forward to it for a long, long time…and again, after about 2 hours, I just felt a sort of mental claustrophobia and had to go for a walk to get back in the mood.

Very EI. I can be engaging and fun when need be but for the most part would rather be alone.

I like how you defined the categories. I’ve often had trouble explaining to people that I AM an introvert, even though I come off as quite sociable in certain situations.

Yep. This is exactly me.

So far, it seems like the EIs are dominating. Are EIs attracted to this board?

I am completely an extroverted introvert. I prefer my own company; but when people are around I talk to all of them. Not at all shy. I’ll say whatever is on my mind and usually get those shy types to relax.
I agree with Green Bean, I too like the way you defined the categories.

When I took the MBTI in a class at work I scored as an E. Everyone laughed when I insisted I was really an I.:smiley:

The Myers-Briggs indicators aren’t binary. They are a continuum. For example, I am an ENTJ but just barely E. An Extroverted Introvert according to the John DiFool Type Indicator.

An ideal weekend for me in my 20s (or 30s for that matter) would be to spend most of my Saturday more or less by myself watching TV, playing videogames, running errends, going to the gym and maybe bumping into people here and there but then meeting a bunch of friends later that night and partying it up until dawn.

At work, my style is to meet as a group for a period of time, assign roles and adjurn to our desks to actually do the work in relative solitude.

IOW, I like to alternate back and forth between “me” time and “social” time.

I know they aren’t binary msmith537, but they are often perceived as such, and this is just my attempt to demonstrate the kinds of people who belong in the “grey area” that you alluded to.

I was going to say that posters here would probably be in that category, yes, but that lurkers may lean towards the II direction, but you can choose your preference in the poll without posting. So far I count 78 thread views and 21 votes (I assume there’s plenty of people out there who have registered as guests but who never post).

Introverted Extrovert. I like talking to people. I just have trouble doing it. I technically have been diagnosed with social anxiety.

I guess I’m closer to being an introverted introvert than anything else, but I really dislike classification systems like this, because they focus on specific “molds” or types rather than an gradations.

We know that height, intelligence, and attractiveness exist on a scale. So why is it that we believe that personalities fit into little molds? Personalities have gradations too.

Extroverted Introvert. I work in retail, and I don’t mind going out, but I’m also perfectly happy to stay home on a Saturday night, rather than seek out people.

I’m an extroverted introvert. You happy? You’ve labled me, now. I thought I was all layered and stuff.


The first one didn’t fit for me E/I so I couldn’t really pick. But I know I’m not EE or II. But I’m not quite EI or IE.

By your descriptions, I am an Introverted Introvert.

Though I’m not a complete shut-in or agoraphobic, since beginning to lead an increasingly solitary life I have grown to enjoy it so much that I prefer solitude for as much of the day as possible. I also like having no responsibilities but my own.

Extroverted Introvert is fairly close to me. I am more reserved than introverted. I can and will engage people when I wish or have to, but as often as not I’m content not to.

[nitpick] This is incorrect.

MBTI indicators are binary, (I am halfway through MBTI Step I qualification training). There are degrees of confirmation of type, but not degrees of type: that’s why they’re called dichotomies. You’re either one or the other, in Myers-Briggs terminology.

Which I think is bull, but that’s how it works (I can cite this if you wish, but it would require me to dig through the practitioner’s handbook, which is at home, and I’d rather not).

The MBTI Step II instrument breaks each dichotomy into a more fine-grained expression of each pairing, so for the E-I dichotomy it breaks down into:

Initiating - Receiving
Expressive - Contained
Gregarious - Intimate
Active - Reflective
Enthusiastic - Quiet

If one of these is counter to the expected value for the original E-I dichotomy, it is called an “out-of-preference” or OOPs.

[/end nitpick]

I think I wanna tweak my label. I think I am an extra-extrovert-introvert. Because, once I decide to engage, I am all in! If I meet a group of people that I like (I’m looking at you, dopers!) then I am really outgoing, looking for some fun and laughs. But, no, I am not ever really looking for anyone to engage. I want to be an extra-extrovert-introvert.


I like how one of those personality tests described an introvert v. extrovert: If you’re energized interacting with people, you’re an extrovert. If interacting with people depletes your energy, you’re an introvert. Alternatively, if you are energized by down time, you’re an introvert. If down time depletes your energy, you’re an extrovert.

I, personally, can be the life of the party when I want to be, and enjoy interacting with people when I’m there, but then I need to be alone. Going to a party and flirting and laughing is great for a limited amount of time. Staying up all night partying sounds like a chore to me.

My husband is an IE. He is socially shy until he gets some confidence (e.g. around friends we know well and/or helped along with some liquid courage). Then he doesn’t want to go home.

I’m also an INTJ - I often try new activities to meet people, and then I don’t meet people there.

ETA - so I picked Introverted Extrovert.