Disable Laptop Caps Lock

I just got a new laptop and I love it except for one thing - the caps Lock key is a royal pain. I hit it all the time and I have NO need for it.

Can anyone tell me a simple way to disable it? Can I remap it to nothing?

Oh yeah - I’m running Windows 7 (and I have to admit it’s not bad once you download some good tools).

The download here will do it for you. It sounds techical but all you have to do is unzip the file and double-click on the registry modification that you want to implement for your caps lock key.


Also, it was asked here not too long ago, so a search should pull it up for you.

In Control Panel’s “Accessibility Options” (it’s called that in XP, maybe something similar in Vista), there’s an option called “ToggleKeys” which makes a beep if you toggle the caps lock or num lock. I have mine set to that. At least if I accidentally hit the caps lock button, I know it immediately.

I usually pull the key off altogether.



“Laptop Caps Lock” is hard to say.

Seems to work in XP too. Thanks Shagnasty.