A 21-year-old woman presented to our hospital with the sensation of something moving in her eye.

At the other end of this link is pictures and video of a roundworm in a young woman’s eyeball.

The best part of the video is when it finally comes out. There’s also video of botfly larvae extraction on YouTube, which is potentially even more satisfying. I can dig those up if anyone’s interested.

(You scream, I scream, we all scream at Eye Scream!)

Wow, that’s pretty interesting. So that critter’s been inside her for six years, eh? I can only imagine how relieving it was to finally get that sucker out.

Just posting to say you’d have to offer me a good sized pile of money to click that link. :eek:

I can’t see clicking on that link either. :eek:

Critters like these are proof that there is a god. And he hates our living guts. Even beer doesn’t make up for eye worms.

I’m curious though, how does one feel something moving in their eye ? Isn’t it just nerveless goop inside ?

The nematode was just barely under the surface of the eye, so even if the majority of the volume lacks nerve tissue (as it likely does, since it’s filled with the vitreous humor) the parasite was in the part most able to feel its wriggly incursions.

On a completely unrelated note, Isaac Newton did a really interesting experiment on his own eye with a small knife. The page from his notebooks at the other end of that link has a rather odd illustration.

I saw what you did there.


Guess what that smilie feels. :wink:

That is seriously fucken’ gross Derleth. You should be ashamed of yourself. Why don’t you just fuck right off and go somewhere under a rock and eat worms or something. :frowning:

Oh, alright, I’m over it now…you’re redeemed. But never, NEVER post shit like that again, OK?? :frowning:

Ew. Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew! :eek:

I hate eyeballs. And parasites. Put the two together, and I’ll be over here wretching in the corner. I can handle poop and pus and vomit and blood, but eyeballs make me oogey.

Ah, African eyeworm, or Loaiasis. One of my favorite filarial parasites. Certainly the most dramatic.

I love filarial nematodes. In the classroom, my filariasis lecture is my favorite. Students seem to fall into 2 camps - either fascinated or disgusted.

heh. One of my colleagues got parasitized by a human botfly years ago and didn’t let the doctors remove it - he photodocumented the development instead.


I’m with ya, sister.

Yeah, a couple of months ago I did a thread on “Links you will not go to”, and this one has been added to the list.

Are you being serious?

It’d probably be cruel to suggest that the activity of the parasite might feel an awful lot like when you have an eyelid twitching for no apparent reason…

/ducks, runs

Working in Ophthalmology gets you past “body horror” issues about eyes pretty quickly - though I will admit that a coworker getting a papercut on her eye (the white part) did still bother* me due to the amount of pain that must have been involved.

  • I wrote “bug” initially, which seemed way too punny.

David Attenborough disagrees.

You posted that during the lunch hour on purpose, didn’t you?

Not as gross as I was expecting.

“The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out…”