Which elections this year will be decided in the courts?

In the Florida gubernatorial election, Sink and Scott are still in such a dead heat, and the campaigning has been so bitter, that it’s hard to imagine the loser not demanding a recount, and then it just escalates from there . . .

What others?

This is a bit out there, but the Alaska race with Murkowski as a write-in could end up in the courts if it’s close and there enough write-in votes in question. We could see a review of all ballots to determine voter intent.

As for Reid v. Angle in Nevada, I’m sure both sides’ court briefs are half-drafted already.

I’m going to take the bold stance and say none of them, with one exception. These are my pronostications: Reid will win by larger than a razor thin margin in Nevada because having six more years of Reid is better than having six years of a crazy Tea Party member. The gubernatorial race in Florida will also be taken by the Dem (although Rubio is going to win against Crist and especially Meek by a double digit margin in the Senate).

As far as the Alaska senate race, however: If Murkowski loses by a razor thin edge there may be an interesting court battle on the write-in issue.

Will the feds take any legal action if California legalizes maryjane? Maybe as a way of getting California to keep up its fair share of enforcement of weed eradication?

With all the nasty and incredibly numerous ads, you could say the Supreme Court already has.

Allegations of voter fraud fly in Nev. Senate race

The Senate race in Illinois is pretty close and Illinois is infamous for voting corruption, so if it’s close enough, well who knows