Given 2020, I’m not sure it’d be mentally healthy for me to track a thread like this live, though I don’t begrudge those who do want to! I think I’ll check in tomorrow!
Thanks for starting this thread. I’m on tenterhooks but feel Dems are going to do better tonight than generally projected due to turnout and other factors. (I’ve probably jinxed it by saying this, of course.)
I’m also especially focused on how Oregon is going to do tonight with respect to maintaining a Democratic governor. Could go either way on that, I’m afraid.
The main thing I see in these early results is I understand why GOP/MAGA hates early/mail-in voting. Clearly getting D voters to vote is has better results the easier voting becomes.
Fourteen minutes after the polls closed, the Columbus CBS affiliate reported that CBS national had “called” the Ohio governor’s race for Mike DeWine, who will likely win.
Not five whole minutes later, Andrew Kinsey (local anchor) had an interactive map and “precincts reporting” graphic up that showed DeWine losing.
I’d love to know when this shit started. Let’s count the votes and make this less about ratings.
Yes, I am sour that they preempted the Jeopardy! pre-game between Amy Schnieder and that empty-headed tit Matt Amodio…
One more thing to say just so I don’t forget that they said it… CBS claimed that early and absentee ballots are counted FIRST, and so the early returns will trend Blue, but will eventually shift Red.
Flash back to two years ago, when they said THE EXACT OPPOSITE THING. In FACT, it was the basis for the whole “stop the count/stop the steal” shit, in the first place?
The first thing I looked at was the return maps. We see a Dem way ahead and it’s because all of the large cities have 80% or more reporting. In this case Warnock has a lead with hardly any other city reporting.
My building had triple digits for Fetterman and Shapiro, double digits for oz and mastriano. Interestingly there were 8 ish people that did not vote for sen. or gov…
My building has 400+ units and over 300 people voted on 2 machines. Because you just have to go to the lobby and vote, most voting is in person.
Yeah, but Warnock is doing even better in those large cities than he did in 2020, so that is a significant data point, even though the raw totals are very misleading.
Arizona started off blue and the red team started nipping at their tails in 2020, closing the gap considerably but never catching them. So yeah it depends on the state and their rules. Some states dont count absentee ballots until after everything else.