Do Bulls Say "Moo"?

Leave it to a four year old to think of this. Do only cows (the female) say moo? What do the bulls say…or do they just grunt a lot?

I had a feeling you were four.

Bulls “moo” as cows do, but you’ll get tons more aggressive grunting, 'cause they literally have a pair. Can and do they moo? Sure, just not as likely to happen with cows and steer.

Cows and steer (castrated bulls) have a less aggressive nature (time to talk testosterone with the kids?), so you’ll hear more so-called mooing, but what a cow/steer can do in terms of mooing, so can a bull. Just expect the more aggressive bull to grunt and huff and puff more (there might be a moo in there somewhere).


I’ve definitely heard bulls moo.

They also go EeeuuuurrrGGGGHHHHHhhhhh quite a bit.

Bulls and cows sound the same. They both moo and make that bellowing sound. Cows do that bellowing sound a lot during estrus and will mount each other too. They both will try to gore and grind you into the ground, though the bull is more aggressive with that. Never assume it safe to walk through a pasture with cattle.

They also have that disconcerting thing where, if you do find yourself in a pasture with cattle, they’ll come galloping toward you, scaring you shitless, only to stop a few metres away and stare. Eerie.

They were trying to make you faint. They call it “people tipping.”

If you stop by a pasture and make mooing sounds, they will also come to see you.

Years ago when I ran every day, I was running down a dirt road in Vermont when I heard, well, a herd following me. I stopped and about ten cows stopped too.

I started and so did they. I stopped and yelled at them to no effect, so what the hell, I just kept running, followed by the cows.

By the time I got to the next village, everybody there was doubled over in laughter. They must have thought I was running for my life followed by a stampede.

I finally went into a store and waited until the cows turned around and ambled back. Stupid cows.

There’s something about running that attracts cows. I used to run by a dairy farm on the outskirts of Peoria, Il, and all the fenced in cows would come to the fence to watch me.

Teople pipping is just a myth.

Hee hee.

The cow goes “Moo,”
The bull does too.
Everyone says “How d’you do,” down on Jollity Farm.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Interrupting cow.
Interrupting cow w…

This thread has been a mooooving experience.

Don’t have a cow, man.

We’re milking this thread for all it’s worth. We should steer it in a different direction.

I call bull!

So you literally hung out in that store until the cows came home. And here I thought that was just an expression.

And once you were out of sight they all stood back up.

All the talking cows I’ve ever heard said “eat more chicken”.

Those cows don’t actually talk, they just write using amusingly bad spelling.
Trust me, I am from the home of Chick-fil-A so I know whereof I speak.
