now drug-free (yay!) - no gods, no 12-steps

Disclaimer: I do NOT intend for this to turn into a GD thread. I’m just very happy, and am sharing something that I’m really proud of. So please, just as a favor to me, be judicious in your comments about religion and 12-step groups. Kthnx.

Seventeen days ago, I took my last Suboxone, an opioid medication intended to prevent cravings and withdrawals while a patient goes through addiction therapy. I’m now fully detoxed, and feel FANTASTIC. No drugs, no alcohol (not that I’m opposed to alcohol–I just don’t really like it or ever drink any), and loving life! :slight_smile:

I’ve spoken often here of my struggles with Rx drugs (here, here, and here). But now I’m done. I successfully tapered off that last psychoactive medication, and am living freely for the first time in at least 10 years. I kicked benzos a year or so ago, and now I’ve kicked opiates, too!

And as if I weren’t proud enough already, I’m happy to say that I did this without succumbing to religious or 12-step fixes, which, IMHO, while arguably effective, are simply a kind of replacement therapy: substituting one permanent addiction for the other. I did try the 12-step thing–went to two or three NA meetings, but I was very bothered by the psychosocial (almost cultish) techniques used to break down an addict’s identity and rebuild it in the mold of the Group. I realized in short order that, just as religion is not for me, neither is AA/NA, because although these are not technically religious organizations, the psychosocial structure and therapeutic techniques of these groups parallels those of religions and cults. (Again, IMHO.) They might be effective, but that deliverance comes a great intellectual price. Too high a price, for me.

I never once thought, in the depths of recent despair and withdrawal, to try turning to “God”, either. Been there, done that, many years ago. At an earlier time in this struggle I cried out to God, begging for any kind of help or mercy or comfort at all (of any of the kinds promised throughout the Bible), and was met with only the cold, stony silence of a universe devoid of any such being. I was already an atheist, but was desperate and was willing to give “God” another try. But this time around? No such appeals. I knew that no deity would help me; it would be up to ME–me and my friends, family, and physician–to see me through this process. Human problems require human solutions.

If religion or 12-stepping has worked for some people, great. I won’t criticize that or impugn the value or legitimacy of their experiences. But I kicked drugs without these trappings: through hard work, reason, and modern medicine. And I am very, very proud of that. :slight_smile:

Congratulations, that’s a hell of a struggle to have and it sounds like you are pleased with the person you are without drugs. I’m very happy for you, and I wish you continued success. If I can ask, what was your normal source of drugs? Were you receiving them from a physician? Buying from a dealer? How have you planned to ensure that you won’t return to your previous sources for drugs?

Congratulations! Everyone, in just about every aspect of life, needs to find the path that works best for them. It sounds like you have found the right path for you!

::Happy Dance::


Initially, all of the drugs came from legit prescriptions (the benzos from a shrink, the opiates as a result of a hospitalization). I should probably refrain from commenting further, other than to say that. But things did get a little dicey there for a while.

But to answer your last (and most important) question, albeit without going into too much detail, all doors are closed at this point. I have no doctor who will write me Rx’s for ANY addictive substance (I wrote a letter to my PCP explaining my condition and ongoing treatment), nor do I have any friends or family or acquaintances from whom I could either buy or steal meds. (In fact, all of my friends and family–and even my bosses at work–know of my struggle and a few very close family even keep their pain meds in safes, because of this.) And because they know about my problem, they’re also a great source of accountability and support.

Congratulations! You should be very proud!

Keep going strong :slight_smile:


I will say this, if I may: The Pink Cloud that happens when people kick an addiction is wonderful and a lot of growth can happen during this time both personally, intellectually, physically etc…My only unsolicited advice is to watch your cravings as they will inevitably occur. Learn from each one that you have and pat yourself on the back each time you don’t succumb.

17 days is wonderful, but it generally takes 90 days to change a behavior, so please celebrate and proceed with optimism for a future without Benzos or Opiates - but be wary of alcohol, I’ve known many an addict who are on the Alcohol maintenance program…or Marijuana maintenance program for that matter. Those of us with addictive personalities sometimes switch from one thing to another…

Again, congrats on the 17 days!

Awesome, Cyningablod!

Doesn’t matter how you did it as long as you found a way that works for you.

Congratulations, Cyningablod.

Be it AA, Rational Recovery, clinical detox, or something else, whatever works for any person is the right way for that person.

Moderator comment.

It’s obvious from the way that the OP qualified his or statements, he or she knows that discussions of this topic have been known to get pretty heated. Let’s try to avoid that here. If anyone needs to vent about some program’s shortcomings, don’t do it here.

Just saying; no sanctions taken against anyone.