Stoid: We get it. You like Gary Taubes. Now shut up about it!

This is the latest in a series of threads about the epiphany Stoid has had about diet and weight loss. And this is the latest of that series in which she fellates Gary Taubes, who I guess is some guru who has found the Ultimate Answer to the Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, at least as it concerns diet and weight loss. I’m happy for her if it makes her happy.

(The others are here, and the original monster thread.)

But for the love of God, Shut. The. Hell. Up. I know I don’t have to read the threads, but there are three threads about the same damn thing, including the original, which was closed because it had turned into a trainwreck that had to be closed for its own good; the second, where she offered to post questions and answers, and which was closed because posting by proxy is not allowed; and the third, in which Stoid passively-aggressively offers to send questions and answers back and forth between posters and Mr. Taubes. Three threads about essentially the same thing within a month? Really? That tells me she needs a hobby that will take her mind off of food. Like knitting, or volunteer work.

I’m usually the last person to go off on another poster, but this is tiresome. Stoid’s threads usually imply that, if we would just listen to her and Mr. Taubes, we’d See the Light and just flock to his book and to his surefire weight loss plan, which never fails, ever. Just like any other True Believer.

Jesus, I hate True Believers.

Honestly, if anyone gives enough of a shit about what the guy has to say, they can just contact him directly themselves. If he has time to respond to Stoid, I’m sure he can respond to a few other people. I have no idea why Stoid has appointed herself High Priestess of Contacting Gary Taubes. It would not surprise me if she started demanding sacrificial burnt offerings (meat only, no carbs please) before deigning to pass along the Wisdom From On High.

Maybe if you guys listened to Gary Taubes y’all wouldn’t be such a bunch of fatties.

Have you read “The Book”? Because if you havent then I really cant take you seriously.

Good fucking lord. Like I told her in the monster thread, if Taubes feels like defending himself from what she feels are baseless accusations, she sent him the link, he can sign up himself. I have a feeling he won’t, because he doesn’t seem to enjoy people with medical backgrounds challenging his pet theory directly, especially the ones that point out the fact that he has no actual background in any biological sciences.

I can just picture her in emails to him: “Are you proud of me? I told all the mean people on the internet how right you were!!”

And also, I seriously doubt that it is “very good stuff” like she claims. The rest of his work is “pretty basically shit” so unless he saved all the good stuff for when some random internet stalker contacted him, I’m not exactly salivating at the thought of hearing more of his twisted, disingenuous garbage.

We guys have already apologized to her.

Why We’re Fat - pretty amazing
I just half-read this book, called “Taubes - The Meaty Messiah” - and I am surprised by how much I am moved by it, by how much I feel it, accept it, and appreciate it.

I think it’s wonderful. And I’m sure lots of people (especially The Dope) will mock it, I’m sure that’s why I’ll shut off any comments that I disagree with, or that challenge me on the science and physics of it all. But I don’t care, of course, I think it’s just amazing and I hope the consciousness behind it stops me expanding, and gives me yet another idea to hammer home to the unconverted and convince Taubes that I am the woman who he needs most.


Jesus might not like you dissing his customers.

Don’t fuck with Jesus.

Damn I wish I had the balls to put that on a bumpersticker.

if stoid put as much energy into actually trying to lose weight as she does talking about it and posting novel length OPs about it, she might see some results.

i’ve struggled with my weight most of my life, so it’s not like i don’t understand. it is difficult. but it’s not that complicated. when i started taking walks (about half an hour a night), i saw changes. i didn’t even change my eating habits all that much. i wasn’t eating lettuce leaves for each meal, just normal food. and believe me, i know it can be easier said than done. the mental block is hard to overcome, but for the love of god, accept yourself the way you are, or do something about it. that’s really all there is to it.

also, i didn’t reply in the original thread cause it would’ve basically been a me too post, but that dear woman video was one of the dumbest things i’ve seen, and i sat through the star wars holiday special.

That video really needs a punch line at the end, something like “now, get me another cold one from the fridge!”

And change the name of the video from “Dear Woman” to “Beer! Woman!”.

expectopatronum, exercise is the key. Board.

I see what you did there.

What Would Gary Taubes Do?

Oh God, I didn’t realize that was her too. I bet she pimps out The Secret and The Power in her spare time. If she’s not careful, Byrnes is going to come after her for switching to a new messiah.

(and the Holiday Special wasn’t half bad. We spent it discussing how many shots Carrie Fisher did each time before she got on camera. :smiley: )

i thought carrie was just higher than a kite. might’ve been drunk, too. :smiley:


You see, its like a series of interconnected Taubes…

Okay, but seriously, if this latest plan works for Stoid in some fashion then great…and I honestly hope it does.

Thanks for this thread. I read most(ish) of that massive thread and about the only thing in it that seemed like it might be interesting was the prospect of hearing from Taubes directly. I hadn’t seen the two newer/closed threads that you linked, and probably would have forgotten about Stoid’s correspondence with Taubes. Guess I’ll go PM her now.


She’s also a True Believer of the economic apocalypse, although I’m not sure just where she got her beliefs for that one - she never answered my question in another thread about her education regarding things economic…