Is someone unauthorized using Lynn Bodoni's account?

I’m seriously wondering if this is like what happened to Hal Briston and later to Morbo when he was called Dooku. This just doesn’t sound like anything I ever thought I’d hear from Lynn.

What, exactly? Vague suspicions don’t help here.

I don’t see that she said anything particularly outrageous there, did she?

It seems like she’s justifying a vicious beating of a teenager. She’s making claims like “The girl is out of control” and “Children who don’t get physically disciplined do as they damn well please.” I’ve never known Lynn to be so reactionary. But perhaps I don’t know her as well as I thought. What I did think, though, was that she left SDMB open on her computer and someone else started posting under her name.

I don’t know that I’d categorize that as a “vicious beating”. As far as beatings go, that’s kind of mild, although extremely yelly.

I just thought it might be someone else posting on Lynn’s account.

I think that’s a very very generous reading, Rilchiam. Alas, I think that’s her, and she believes what she’s saying.

No further comment.

If that’s your idea of a “mild” beating, I’d hate to see what you consider “vicious”. shudder

I can understand Rilchiam’s reaction. Lynn’s remarks kind of took me aback too. From all that I thought I knew of her I just wouldn’t have expected her to defend in any way the beating of a handicapped child.

Since this is concerning a posting Lynn made as a regular user of the Straight Dope Message Board and is not in any way relevant to her work as an administrator, this is really not appropriate for this forum area.

I am closing the thread.