Dear Lynn "Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child" Bodoni:

I haven’t commented in the Aransas Cty (TX) judge beats daughter for downloading from the Internet (2004 incident) thread because pretty much anything I can think to say about that terrible situation has been said at least a dozen times already.

Awful as that video was, the part that really made me go :eek: was this quote:

Keep in mind we’re talking here about a teenage girl downloading music and stuff on the internet, not a kitten-raping, nun-murdering teenage crack ho doing the Eric Cartman “Whatevah! Whatevah! Ah do what ah want!” routine.

She WANTED to be screamed at and beaten with a belt? She’s such a stubborn little she-ass that, oh, I don’t know, taking the computer away isn’t sufficient punishment? Ripping off the RIAA and potentially getting a computer virus from warez sites are such egregious offenses that she DESERVES to be beaten with a belt, crying and cowering and/or shipped off to a “brat camp”??? I saw a reality show about those camps a few years ago, and that’s where they send gangbangers, drug dealers, violent criminals, and prostitutes, not kids who illegally download the Billboard Top 40 or ROM hacks, fer fuck’s sake.

Are you wearing some kind of special stupid goggles or something?

Did Fundamentally Oral Bill hack your account? I’m not the only one moved to wonder if someone else is using your account (witness this ATMB thread: Is someone unauthorized using Lynn Bodoni’s account?) just because it seems to come nowhere.

And how does the illustrious Ms. Bodoni justify her words? With this jewel:

Funny thing, barring the occasional spank on the fanny as a toddler, neither my mother nor my father ever raised a hand to me or any of my siblings, and oddly enough none of us are sociopathic misfits. None of my friends growing up were ever beaten by their parents, and *mirabile dictu *not a single one of them ever showed up on America’s Most Wanted. The troublemakers I went through school with tended to be the ones whose parents didn’t really give a fuck what they did or didn’t do.

And the hits just keep on coming:

So, the options are either grounding/ no computer time, or beating a teenager black and blue while screaming for them to submit. Right. Gotcha. Yes, you were lucky, lucky you aren’t the one facing public shame and legal trouble for child abuse.

There are others in that thread who don’t think the punishment was over the top, and they’re at least attempting to justify the way they think.

You, madam, bailed as soon as the vast majority turned against you.

So let me recap: teenager downloading illegal stuff off the internet gets thrashed by her own father. According to Bodoni, said thrashing is warranted (well, maybe not that hard :rolleyes: )because obviously she hadn’t learned her lesson and was pushing Daddy’s buttons and teenagers don’t learn unless they’re physically punished.

Now that you’ve got your very own thread, care to explain A) is this the real you? and if so, B) you’re a sad, scary woman.

Like I said in that thread, WE would do somethng about it. It would not be pleasant if he did not heed the “invitation” to get the hell out.

Yup, that’s pretty disturbing. I seem to remember another poster telling me something similar a couple of years ago when I talked about not hitting my future kids - maybe it was Lynn then too.

It’s pretty brutal to hear that attitude when you’ve been on the receiving end of abuse. It’s always the kid’s fault. If they weren’t so difficult, if they would just behave and admit what a selfish, spoiled, irresponsible child they are… well we just wouldn’t have to resort to such extreme measures, would we? Kids can be so manipulative, you know.

Not that I ever suffered beatings like this poor kid. But there was enough violence growing up that I find this attitude personally repellant. And yes, it happened over and over and over again and by the 1,000th time you just stop caring. Once when my Mom threatened to send me to the hospital by hitting me over the head with a glass bottle, I damn near shouted, ‘‘Do it, bitch! Then maybe someone will get a clue how fucked up your parenting skills are.’’ I said nothing, because I thought there was a chance I might die. But that was basically the only thing really keeping me from provoking her and blowing the lid off of the whole thing.

Parents want respect. Respect is something you earn. That girl AFAIC has every right not to respect her father.

Ever since Diogenes the Cynic has been banned, I feel like Lynn is getting sucked into the void that he left like so much fluid rushing to the site of an infected cystectomy.

But maybe that’s just me.

Yeah, but Dio would never condone violence against children.

Damn it, I do miss that bastard.

God knows I’m not Dio’s biggest fan (I kept him on ignore), but he would have never said something like that. It isn’t fair to say that when it isn’t true and he cannot defend himself.

Tru 'nuff. But it’s the posting style I am noticing, not so much the content. She’s always been a bit opinionated she just is ramping it up lately.

For the record, I did not start that thread to complain about Lynn as an admin; in fact, I’d forgotten she is one. I honestly thought at the time that someone was pulling a Hal Briston on her. I thought the mods should know about an issue Lynn might not be aware of until hours or days later. I would have done the same if a non-mod/admin had been posting seemingly out of character. But on further reflection, it appears she was not posting out of character. :dubious:

The absolute worst parents I’ve ever known were the ones who said this. There’s something about the attitude of "I’d like to not hit them, but they’re just so bad that brings out the worst in people. I imagine it’s what the father wass thinking when he went to get the other belt because his wife had taken the first one away from him.

I just want to respond to the idea that the daughter knew that downloading from kazaa would set him off. As a child of a violent lunatic, you don’t know what specific thing is going to set them off, just that something will.

It’s not about the music downloading, it’s about the fact that the abuser is a self-hating piece of shit. All that girl had to do was set up a camera and wait, dad was bound to lose his shit over something and beat the crap out of her.

Or the people who say, “Sometimes you need to give them a little swat; it’s the only thing that gets their attention” without acknowledging that what they’re doing is not a ‘little swat’ by any stretch of the imagination.

Two things:

  1. This wasn’t physical discipline. This was a violent beating. I don’t understand why some people, including Lynn, don’t seem to see the difference.

  2. PLENTY of parents raising their children to be functional adults without belt-whipping them. In fact, plenty of parents raise their children to be functional adults without more physical discipline than a swat on the fanny when the child is too young to “get” time-outs and other non-physical disciplines.

This canard of “you gotta beat 'em to raise 'em up right!” needs to DIAF.

I know why you started your thread, Rilchiam, and I wondered the same thing when I saw her posts. From what I had seen of Lynn it seemed out of character. That’s why I didn’t post this thread until today, because with my luck I’d barge in flaming her and there’d be a simulpost aong the lines of “sorry, folks, forgot to logout and some troll posted under my name.”

By now, however, I’m thinking she meant it :frowning:

A-fucking-men to that. One of my sisters was engaged to an abusive asshole who at one point slapped her in the face and just about screamed her ears off. Her offense? She cut her hair without asking him first :smack:

Maybe if his parents had beat him more as a teenager he wouldn’t have been so fucked in the head :rolleyes:

Her posts were nauseating and frankly, deeply insulting.

I worked damn hard to raise my now teen kids. Hitting (even as toddlers) was never on the table. They are great kids that we get compliments on often- but they weren’t born angels. My son was tough, actually. So we parented them: slow, time consuming, patience testing, parenting. No hitting needed.

Justify needing to hit your kid (thank god she was obedient, huh) all you want, but don’t pretend to me that it’s because it was your only option.

Whoa, wait…Dio was BANNED? Permanently? I need to get out more. I was wondering where he was after his suspension ended…saw him around here and there, then poof…gone.

He was, permanently.

Ban announcement here.

Commentary thread here.

I’m getting a chuckle heating that in Kevin Spacey’s voice from The Usual Suspects. But yeah I wish Dio would get a temporary reinstatement for that thread. He would go to town. Unleash the Dio!

(bolding mine)
Very, very true. Parenting without physical discipline is slow, time consuming, and patience testing. And it’s the right thing to do.
People who defend physical discipline IMHO are just lazy. “Why take 5 minutes to put them in a 5 minute time-out when I can just smack em’ in 2 seconds?”

I’m not for abuse, but every single one of my friends that weren’t punished with physical discipline ended up being wild and out of control.
My parents administered physical discipline and we were polite, respectable kids because of it. It’s true that for some kids, this is the only thing they’ll respond to. I think it has something to do with having some kind of authority when a kid doesn’t care if they take things away, ground him/her, etc. Being a young adult today, I thank my parents for raising me this way. It wasn’t American Beauty discipline, but I’ve definitely had the belt in the rear and tree switches. Soap in the mouth was the worst, but I didn’t start cursing til I was in 7th grade. Which is pretty much unheard of today. It’s really sad hearing first graders calling each other fuckers on a bus.