Holy crap! No more Dio?

See here.

I can’t say that I exactly liked Diogenes the Cynic. He was … well, I’m not gonna go through a list of his faults, partly because it’s tacky and partly because I’m sure I have more. But he also has his virtues and is quite knowledgeable about several areas of interest to me. Overall I’m sorry to see him go.


Yeah I’m feeling exactly the same.

Me too.

Usually when a poster is banned there is a list of links to offending posts, but none were in Dio’s banning announcement. A brief search of “recent posts by” didn’t turn up anything particularly out of line.

Uh this certainly seems like a bad call. Bricker, Magellan, Shodan and Clothy are all as or more rigid than Dio, and aside from Bricker, none have as much valuable knowledge.

What was the straw that left the camel twitching?

He was maddening far too often, and derailed too many threads, but I too am sorry to see him gone permanently.

I think that’s a shame. He definitely added character to the board.


He was prickly and over-the-top, but he was smart. Too bad this had to happen. I wish it wasn’t permanent.

This would be nice.

I agree with Renee. Diogenes was often abrasive, true. But he also offered a *lot of interesting info and opinions to the board as a whole.
I don’t know what justified the finalization of this, but am very disappointed to see him go. Very disappointed.

Oh, cool - we can start a thread to “process the news” - I wasn’t sure.

It has been a long saga - still having trouble processing the news that, well, the saga is done. I didn’t have much of a dog in the hunt - if I felt Dio was being “too Dio,” I just chose not to engage…

I suppose that anyone who really misses Diogenes the Cynic can take solace in the 59,000+ Pearls Of Wisdom he thoughtfully, selflessly shared with us over the short, sacred time that he graced us with his presence.

His brilliance and insight has never been equaled; His limitless intelligence is now truly the stuff of Hallowed Legend…

I don’t think that anyone questioned his intelligence but IMHO, he violated the SDMB’s prime directive with alarming regularity.

This thread, I believe

See? They are always picking on the liberals…

My feelings as well. I will miss his knowledge at times, but on the whole I think this is a positive for the board. I wish it were otherwise.

Bad move.

Another brain drain that will be sorely missed - at least in the religion threads. I agree he could be annoying at other times, can’t we all. To completely ban him seems way too harsh. What does this place want to be? It’s weird. You seriously need to reconsider your mods.

Bad move.

What about that thread is any different from threads that happen daily?

Yeah, not sure; I guess I just assume it was the straw that broke the camel’s back, cumulatively…

I am not displeased to see him go.