Diogenes: would you kindly just shut the fuck up already?

It doesn’t matter what our own experiences are, or what other sources say – if Dio didn’t see it, or Dio disagrees, we are wrong. Period. The Almighty Dio has declared it, thus it is correct.

(I suggest he change his name to Diogenes the Never Wrong) :rolleyes:

His latest spew: if you agree with U.S. involvement in WWII, you support burning toddlers alive.

But of course, let’s not forget that:

There’s absolutely no harm in driving while stoned

If a guy says his libido is low due to stress, he’s lying – he’s either gay or cheating on you.

Changing a dirty diaper on a food prep surface isn’t a health code violation

I predict this will end well.

Yea, going to be all puppies and rainbows.

You predict that it will end?!?

Oh, sure it will. A few initial posters will chime in agreeing with the OP, Dio will wade in and mightily defend himself which will degenerate into backpedaling rather than an admission of being wrong in any instance, Dio defenders will invariably pop up with words of encouragement for him, much righteous outrage will be expressed, posts will be scrutinized in minutae, the thread will gather steam, gain some pages, and eventually peter out and be forgotten.

Its the natural order of things around here!

You know what? No. I pit the posters that insist on arguing with him and trying to convince him and change his mind. Oh noooooes. Someone is wrong on the Internet! We must fix it!

Can’t we just ignore him? No the entire thread must revolve around him. This fucking pit thread should be made into a sticky: If Diogenes comes out with an absolute on something, please to ignore.

But. . . I was trying to get him to enter an 8 Mile style rap battle with me in the CS thread I bickered with him in. You’ve got to admit, that would have at least been worth it.

In fairness to Diogenes, he did admit he was wrong in this thread about rap and hip hop. Admittedly, it took him three pages to get there, but he did finally come around.

If folks would link to a specific post in a multi-page thread, rather than just linking to the thread itself, it would make intelligent responses more likely. Assuming that’s what they want. Asking us to read entire threads in order to glean the particular offensive nugget is a bit much, IMO.

Meh, I had to blow off some steam somehow. Besides, I couldn’t call him a turd in GD, could I?

Did he, though, Miller? I mean, he did quit arguing, so that’s one thing.

What, afraid of doing a little homework to help lynch a fellow Doper? C’mon, man, where’s your lust for blood?

I bought some really nice cheese the other day, a Cambozola. Creamy with a hint of mushrooms, it went so well with the quatro fromage Triscuits. I wish it didn’t have the rind on it, that’s kinda a pain in the ass to cut off but damn that was some tasty dedgum cheese.

Diogenes is the greatest troll since Jack Dean Tyler.

On the nose.

I noticed a thread the other day about rap music and it’s validity as an art form. “Huh…”, I thought, “…this thread is several pages long, and I didn’t notice it until now. I wonder how that could be”.

Then I clicked on the post counts and saw that Dio was the leading poster. That told me all I needed to know. I hit a middle page of it, verified it was yet another episode of The Dio Show, and walked away.

Instead of starting pit threads about him, why not a tumblr or twitter page? Something like “Shit Diogenes Says”

Actually, I don’t really have a problem with you pitting him. I felt like pitting someone only today - not because I was particularly irritated or mad but because I felt like calling him a fucking tool and couldn’t do that in the thread.

But in this place, where Pit threads have to have a certain vitriol, I just didn’t have anywhere near enough rage to do it.

Ah, long after I stopped reading. Like several other threads, I stopped reading because he came in and shat on everything. It is impossible to have a discussion with that a-hole around.

Well according to Dio, he is not a troll; he actually is just fucking retarded.

I agree and this should be the first post.


Holy shit, that Diogenes on Rap thread is pure, distilled awesome. It would only be improved if Abraham Simpson could be brought in to read Dio’s posts out loud.

PS - Abraham is a character from that Simpsons funny cartoon show the kids are all hot about, Dio.