Aransas Cty (TX) judge beats daughter for downloading from the Internet (2004 incident)

No, “not available for legal purchase” generally means cracked games. It’s usually piracy. SOMETIMES it’s abandonware, but usually it is a game that’s available overseas but not yet released in the North American format.

He’s probably gone off his rocker before, and it seems that his wife thinks that spouse/child abuse is OK, or at least expected. However, the girl seems to be deliberately setting him up. She knows what will set him off, she sets up a scenario where she can film him, and she’s determined to get the most abuse possible…part of the reason why he goes to extremes is that she’s done this before, and now she refuses to agree not to do it again.

A lot of non-parents vow to never physically discipline their kids. Then, they have kids. If they keep their vow, they usually end up with out of control kids who will do as they damn well please. It’s VERY easy to say that you would never do something in a certain situation, until you’ve been in that situation.

Now, the judge is clearly ABUSING, not disciplining this girl. And yes, that’s wrong. He probably should have taken away computer privileges. But she’s unrepentant, and she’s determined to do it again, apparently. This is NOT the first time she’s done it. When she downloads games and music illegally, she’s exposing the computer to trojans and viruses, and she’s risking legal problems, too. I’d be a hell of a lot more sympathetic if this was her first offense. But apparently she ignores everything else. Teens can be incredibly stubborn. I wonder if she’d already been grounded from the computer, or what other disciplinary measures had been taken. Perhaps she should have just been shipped off to one of those “troubled teen” camps? Again, we don’t know what has gone before, other than he’s administered some pretty painful beatings in the past, often enough that she knew where a beating would take place.

I’m not saying that he’s right. What I’m saying is that while I do see an abused teen, I also see an incredibly stubborn teen who is determined to continue her illegal activities, without regard as to the consequences.

The video claims that she’s disabled. I’m curious as to just what her disability is supposed to be.