Aransas Cty (TX) judge beats daughter for downloading from the Internet (2004 incident)

This and many other sites say she was downloading Kazaa (used to share files, especially music).

Statement from the wife:

What is it for assault with a deadly weapon? If kicking someone with sneakers on can be classified as that, I don’t see why this couldn’t.

It’s hard for me to imagine a leather belt as a deadly weapon. A bat – sure. A belt? I m not sure you could kill someone with one unless you beat them for hours and hours, or maybe induced a heart attack due to fear.

True. But the same could be said of sneakers. And he doesn’t seem to be overly careful about where he hits. I think you could beat someone to death with a leather belt, especially someone who was frail (not saying she was).

When I picture a thrashing, I picture something like what that guy was doing. What exactly were your parents doing that was less bad than the vid but still a thrashing?

[Rockport, TX police chief] Jayroe told the Corpus Christie Caller that if it’s determined a crime occurred, investigators would then have to determine whether the statute of limitations applies. For child abuse cases in Texas, the statute runs 10 years past the victim’s 18th birthday.

I do believe Adams could be in trouble.

3 years…5 years for him to be charged with “endangering a child” or “injury to an elderly or disabled individual”, so regardless, the statute of limitations has run out.

I don’t see him being charged with assault with a deadly weapon anyway, honestly. The court is either going to say, “This is reasonable parental discipline,”, or say, “This is child abuse/endangering the welfare of a child”. You’re not going to be charged with assault for physically punishing your minor child in a way that that doesn’t lead to injury, especially in Texas, where belting your kid is practically seen as a parental duty.

Bup’s link above mentions that the statute for child abuse cases runs 10 years past the victim’s 18th birthday.

I wonder if Mom is in trouble too.

Is there a legal difference between committing a crime years ago and remaining unrepentant, and committing a crime years ago and being repentant (where in neither case has one turned oneself in)? Depending on the crime and the jurisdiction, does this make a difference concerning sentencing in any formal sense? (I.e. aside from any sentiments that may be caused in the sentencing judge or jury?) I doubt it but am asking out of curiosity.

More from the fucker:!prettyPhoto[gallery]/1/

She also claims that the dad did not in fact apologize to her:

She sure as shit should be. When I read the video description and it’s apologizing for the mother’s actions, I was disgusted at this whole thing in a whole different way. It doesn’t matter if mom said she’s sorry, she’s just as vicious as dad is in that video. I don’t see mom crying, begging dad not to hurt their daughter-- I see two spiteful cunts on a power trip.

If you look carefully at what she actually accomplishes in the video without letting the fog of rage about the entire situation and the words she is saying for the father’s benefit influence you, she manages to: a) get the belt away from the father, b) ensure the daughter gets hit only on the butt instead of the legs, side, arms, and possibly very soon, face and head, and c) turns it into a verbal discussion about the rule that was broken and a grounding from the computer. By the time the father got back with another belt, the situation had cooled down somewhat and the continued lashing was far less severe than it might have been without the mother’s participation.

I don’t think she deserves a medal, but when viewed in the context of her likely being a battered wife and terrified of the man too, I think it might have been an instinctive, desperate means of protecting the girl, and herself, until she finally wised up and divorced him. This probably wasn’t the first occasion something like this came up, and past experience probably had shown her that begging, crying, or trying to force him to stop would just escalate the situation into something even worse.

I can’t watch it because it will give me flashbacks to my mom who did the same shit in the name of ‘discipline’. It’s not ever okay to scream at and beat people while demanding their submission. :frowning: Even if there is no serious physical injury, it sure leaves emotional scars. I only wish I also had a tape of some of what went on, to throw in my mom’s face…

I’m so glad this type of thing is now considered prosecutable abuse, rather than normalized. Kids are people too ffs. I’m extra happy that unlike a lot of people who were treated like this as kids, I think it’s wrong and am determined never to beat or humiliate my own children.

It’s Texas. We’ve yet to see if it’s prosecutable in Texas, and I’m extremely skeptical that it will be.


She should have gotten between them and taken the goddamn beating herself if necessary. That is her child, her flesh and blood being beaten severely. I have all the sympathy in the world for battered women, but little pity for those who will not do SOMETHING to stop it.

No, “not available for legal purchase” generally means cracked games. It’s usually piracy. SOMETIMES it’s abandonware, but usually it is a game that’s available overseas but not yet released in the North American format.

He’s probably gone off his rocker before, and it seems that his wife thinks that spouse/child abuse is OK, or at least expected. However, the girl seems to be deliberately setting him up. She knows what will set him off, she sets up a scenario where she can film him, and she’s determined to get the most abuse possible…part of the reason why he goes to extremes is that she’s done this before, and now she refuses to agree not to do it again.

A lot of non-parents vow to never physically discipline their kids. Then, they have kids. If they keep their vow, they usually end up with out of control kids who will do as they damn well please. It’s VERY easy to say that you would never do something in a certain situation, until you’ve been in that situation.

Now, the judge is clearly ABUSING, not disciplining this girl. And yes, that’s wrong. He probably should have taken away computer privileges. But she’s unrepentant, and she’s determined to do it again, apparently. This is NOT the first time she’s done it. When she downloads games and music illegally, she’s exposing the computer to trojans and viruses, and she’s risking legal problems, too. I’d be a hell of a lot more sympathetic if this was her first offense. But apparently she ignores everything else. Teens can be incredibly stubborn. I wonder if she’d already been grounded from the computer, or what other disciplinary measures had been taken. Perhaps she should have just been shipped off to one of those “troubled teen” camps? Again, we don’t know what has gone before, other than he’s administered some pretty painful beatings in the past, often enough that she knew where a beating would take place.

I’m not saying that he’s right. What I’m saying is that while I do see an abused teen, I also see an incredibly stubborn teen who is determined to continue her illegal activities, without regard as to the consequences.

The video claims that she’s disabled. I’m curious as to just what her disability is supposed to be.

:smack: Is there a way to make that bigger? This deserves an EPIC sized facepalm.

First off, she has ataxic cerebral palsy. Apparently this makes her physically uncoordinated. I’m not certain that it is particularly relevant.

Lynn, there is bloody world of difference between physically correcting a young child who can not be reasoned with and a grown man whipping a young woman with leather belt while bellowing for her to be submissive and obedient. There is no excuse to lay your hands on a minor of that age unless you are in fear for your, or their life. The rest of your post is so fucked up, I’m not even going to comment. If you hadn’t been here so long I’d assume you were just trolling.